Took my grandkids to the "range"


New member
Well it's sort of a range - I hung targets at 25' on my property (I have 25 acres). The two boys are 17 and 15 and have never fired a gun before, so they had a blast (pardon the pun). I gave them an extensive speech on safety and ear protection before beginning and my son an I supervised closely.

They spent two hours shooting the following:

CZ 82
Ruger SP101
Ruger Mark II with scope
Ruger LCP II
A .22 rifle (Their father's)

They liked the cheap .22 bolt action rifle best, even though the scope was off by 8" - they just aimed high and right. The pistols became more fun when we shot milk jugs full of water. Happy to say not a single FTF or FTE in any of the guns.

I would love to have property big enough to shoot on, and yes good job with the grandkids, they grow all to quick! terry:D
I have 5 grandkids. Three boys (21, 12, 11) and two girls (9,7).

I have had the oldest (special needs) shooting my Ruger SR22 on my small handgun range in the back yard and totally enjoyed it and he still talks about it. The poor fellow was shaking like a leaf in the wind initially because he had never shot a handgun. He has, however, shot a deer with a 243 when hunting with his dad.

Can not wait to get the other two boys to th range (not the yard) and I am going to guess that the two girls will readily adapt to it.

I have already run through my mind the safety instructions and procedures that I want thim to learn first and foremost.

Hopefully they will all remember it after I am gone. My son in law is all for it, but my daughter is somewhat hesitant right now. ;)

OP, you have memories for a couple of lifetimes.
Well it's sort of a range - I hung targets at 25' on my property (I have 25 acres). The two boys are 17 and 15 and have never fired a gun before, so they had a blast (pardon the pun). I gave them an extensive speech on safety and ear protection before beginning and my son an I supervised closely.

They spent two hours shooting the following:

CZ 82
Ruger SP101
Ruger Mark II with scope
Ruger LCP II
A .22 rifle (Their father's)

They liked the cheap .22 bolt action rifle best, even though the scope was off by 8" - they just aimed high and right. The pistols became more fun when we shot milk jugs full of water. Happy to say not a single FTF or FTE in any of the guns.

That is outstanding multifold! On a personal level it reinforces the sacred bond of Family & Tradition while simultaneously and, equally important, fostering and sustaining the critical importance of American Freedom and tradition put forth by our Founding Fathers. I am sure they will remember this day later on in their respective lives. God Bless.