Took a Newbie to the Range Sunday


New member
The man who coordinates the youth programs at our church recently expressed an interest in getting into handgun shooting, so yesterday we invited him to shoot with us at the indoor range where we have a membership, Tulsa Firearms.

Dave has experience with rifles and shotguns, and was pretty solid on the safety rules, so that conversation went quickly. I brought my 1911's (Charles Daly Govt, stainless Springfield Champion), my lovely spouses *&* 640 (custom night sights, smooooooth trigger job), and rented a Ruger .22 (I forget the model) with a Leupold/Gilmore red dot sight.

I gave him the once-over on the range's gunhandling rules, a review of the mechanics and controls of each gun, some instructions on grip and stance, and then let him shoot whatever he wanted. He put about 25-30 rounds through each piece.

He tended to shoot low and right. Since he was a lefty, I guess he was probably squeezing his fingers too tightly, and jerking the trigger when he fired. He grouped pretty well, though!

Thenk I turned him loose on the pro shop staff to ask questions and look at various brands and models of gun.

Overall, we had a good time, and I'm pretty sure we have gained a pistol convert! (Of the guns that he fired, he expressed a preference for the Springfield Chamption, so I'd say he has good taste, too!)


[Edited by whitebear on 01-08-2001 at 08:58 AM]
You turned a Newbie over to some Salesmen? Must be a close friend... How much did he spend? :D

Newbies can do surprisingly well with 1911 autos. Cold Hearted Ninny and I took a young mother to thr range and even SHE did quite well with .45s.

Good job. Now see if you guys cant take the youth too!
This is how it's done, one at a time.

On a purely anecdotal note, I've noticed a substantial increase in the number of newbies being brought to the range. I mean, people who have never even fired a gun before. You can tell they're starting to get the bug...they tend to save their targets as trophies.:D

And most of them are women, too.