Too wet to cast.


New member
I ain't outta the game, the game just isn't fun right now. It rained five times yesterday! Every 2-3 hours it would rain and then the sun would come back out. I think it rained every day this week, at some point(s) during the day. This humidity and 100°+ heat index every day is whipping me pretty good. I have made quite a bit of alloy in my favorite mixes and mounted up some molds to handles and I'm all ready to cast, but it just is misery for this old fat guy in the steamy heat out there. I did get another used Star sizer at a good price and got it set up yesterday. So I'm all ready to do some sizing and lubing when the weather is right for casting. The window for powdercoating is even smaller than the one for casting, so that is the reason I wanted an extra sizer set up. (it was cheaper than building a garage to powdercoat in);)
I hope the weather is favoring some of you in a better way. Cool weather is going to come sooner or later and the lead will flow again and the hum of the air compressor for coating will be heard throughout the land. (or at least throughout my backyard.) :)
I've been delayed due to the weather also. What Louisiana was getting made it's way through here this last week so It's been wet. I started a new job and that's been taking up most of my time.

I planned on casting today but wouldn't ya know it, the Nascar Cup race was postponed last night and rescheduled for today at 1:00pm so I'll be watching that instead. So either tonight or next weekend I'll be pouring some shiny silver for the first time this year. Even my range time has suffered as I've only made 2 trips out there this year. The bright side is I aquired a couple more shooters in the interim.
It was a beautiful evening in central Iowa. 70 degrees and 60% humidity - about perfect. Cast about 400 9mm bullets and 400 .358 158 HBSWC's.

I loaded 100 38 special and 100 .45 ACP rounds over the weekend also. I'm goin to need to make it to the range sometime soon.
I finally made it out to cast some Lyman 358495 wadcutters. It was still a tad warm but since the lead was flowing I casted 400 rds. Next morning the PC sprayer got a workout and finally they were sized.

Now the hard part, getting out to the range. Don't wanna smash these pretty boolits tho... LOL.
It's been a summer like I remember from my childhood days here in the Carolinas. Temps in the high 90's and the heat index well above 105+ most days. I haven't cast but a couple Saturday mornings when it was actually cool for a couple hours an only then to try out a couple new molds.

I do most all my casting/coating in the late fall and winter months when it to cold out to do much of anything else an there is no yard work or other outdoor activities that usually occur in the spring and summer months. I usually cast up enough various bullets for myself and my brother to do all our reloading plus enough so we don't have to worry about it for awhile.
The conditions outside the house have never stopped me from casting. I know it is not politically correct in the gun world anymore but I have been casting inside for about 40 years. I do not take extraordinary mitigation measures. I have been on about every heavy metal monitoring program you can think of and have never had metal levels that even raised an eyebrow.

Not saying it is the way for everyone but it has worked for me and a lot of other people that do not want to get flamed for it.

I do melt scrap lead and cast ingots outside because it is too much of a mess for inside.
There are others that cast indoors too and don't have problems with it.
I'm much too messy for that. I drip wax everywhere and drop lead and sawdust and sometimes tilt the mold too early and let the sprue puddle drip down the side and splash. Yep....I'm messy.:rolleyes: