too much spring in a ruger ?


ok i have a 10-22 ruger with lots of new goodies some aftermarket and others are stock. problem lies with bolt not going back enough to recock it some times . cheap ammo ? just replaced all of the springs , ect . no binding , no scope screws , clean as a whistle . bolt issue ? maybe some polishing inside would help ?

Best thing to do with a 10-22 is just accept it, shoot it and other than tightening the barrel block allen screws after a brick of shells - leave it be!
Harry B.
no the only aftermarket parts are the ejector , mag holder , trigger . rest is stock. and what sucks is that somtimes when it mis feeds , the bullet will get jammed at about a 45 angle and when the bolt comes foward it just does hit the rim , and you guys know the rest . i will take some pics of the acutual problem
croc4 + 1

This would be a logical first step on a fix. The last time I encountered this problem, it was due to Federal bulk ammo and yet, this same amo shoots fine in my other 10/22's. I had some older Remington bulk ammo, not thunderbolts and that corrected the problem. I find some bulk ammo to be underloaded. I have never had any kind of a problems with Winchester Wildcats or better grades of ammo.

Be Safe !!!