Too horrible to contemplate - but POSSIBLE!

Jim March

New member
You have GOT to see this.

Yes, it's long, and some of the best bits don't show up until section 6 or so...but the implications are simply...beyond.

If anybody knows anything factual about this case to back the charges put forth here, SING OUT.

Jim March
This whole theory sounds completely insane. Yet, somehow I think it may be possilble. Have we become so mistrustful of government that we believe they could be capable of such a horrid act? Or could it be that we are waking up to reality? Either way I don't think I'll like the answer.
It gives one pause for thought, don't it?

Here's a related question: whose bright idea was it to label all the schools "gun free safety zones" knowing that the guarantee that there's no armed adults around will inevitably attract every sicko there is to the "shooting gallery"?

Are our OWN kids being sacrificed to create bloody sound bites to urge the mobs towards disarmament?

Jim March
Probably there are a lot of forumites who know a lot more than I do about this stuff but have you ever noticed how most blatant attacks on our rights are always triggered by the act of some wierdo who is never heard from again??
And isnt it convenient that it ALWAYS happens??

Better days to be,

Well maybe. I will say this. You will never find the "Smoking Gun" all in one full feature story. It just doesn't happen.

If you want to gain an understanding of intent on a person, company, or country for that matter apply simple logic.

You gain information everyday. Just like a puzzle. One piece at a time. As you attach the pieces you begin to form a picture. The pieces that don't fit you throw out. When done you will have a good idea of what is going on. And more times than not, it should be fairly accurate.

Out of this whole school zone story there is one piece of information. It could just as easily be false information planted to mislead you and I.

Where did the informationn come from? Is it a reliable source? Has the source provided reliable information in the past? If 'No" throw it out. It doesn't fit. Keep looking.

I posted this site as well as another under "Australian Gun Control?"

You may be interested in the comments on that thread.


"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Why should we really trust our government regarding such events. As I remember during the seige at WACO, they were telling us that David Koresh and the Branch Davidenians (sp) were child molesters, were running a drug lab and had un-registered machine guns. After the compound was burned to the ground and most of the people killed no one was allowed to inspect the recovered firearms to see if they were in fact machineguns. The possible drug lab(s) were gone and the children were ALL dead.

Ask yourself, "Was Vickie Weaver, holding a baby, a threat to any person?" Her death was murder by the FBI.
I personally believe that the highschool and junior highschool shootings of a few years ago were in some way planned by the Clinton Adminsitration. How? Beats me, but I sure wouldn't put anythinig past the Clinton Adminsitration. Did anybody notice that these shootings occured shortly after some provisions of the Brady Bill were declared unconstitutional? Did anybody notice that the spree of school shootings ended after many people opposed the cries for more strict gun control legislation?

[This message has been edited by HM3 (edited March 08, 1999).]
The "gun free school zones" interested me. Originally, it was verboten to be within 1,000 feet of a school or school property with a firearm. That have made it illegal to travel ANYWHERE in our county with a gun! It was a back-door attempt to make it a criminal offense to go hunting, to go to a firing range, etc.
I am amazed and relieved that the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional.
John/az2 is right - the blighter bear considerable watching!

By the way, is it me, or are there some eerie similarities between this incident and the assassinations of President John Kennedy and Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.?
How many shooters? Possible "fall guy"? Unusual marksmanship, etc.?

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited March 08, 1999).]