Too cautious or paranoid?


New member
So here's how last night went for me...

I live in a rural area. My house is about 400 feet off the road. I'm in my room working on some stuff for college and Mom says that there's a guy in our driveway who ran out of gas. She asks if I can see if we have some. Sigh, "Ok Mom." It's dark and not knowing what all is going on I grab a holster and my 1911, cocked and locked w/full magazine, throw on a jacket, grab my Maglight, and a 5 gallon can of gas.

Everything turned out fine, guys gets gas and goes on his merry way.
Was I over-reacting?

On a lighter note... Dang!!! that's a heavy gun to hang off your hip. And, my jacket didn't cover the bottom half inch of the hoster, so I felt like a guy at a black-tie affair who had his sticker pecking out :o

Kilroy, doesn't like his equipment hanging out in public, was here
I live on Long Island and we have had 48 home invasions this year and more than one of those has been with a forced front door entry while the occupants were awake.

Bearing the above in mind I would ask; is there a way to safely answer your door without being armed?

You are not paranoid. You are in need of a better rig to carry your 1911. I often carry my 5" 1911 and a spare mag and a good holster makes all the difference. If it felt heavy for 10 minutes and hung that low that it was exposed when it should not have been you are using the wrong rig.
Well, It was a combination of cheap holster and short jacket. The jacket only comes down to about an inch or so below my belt. The holster was an el-cheapo Bagmaster, suitable only for toting my .22 when ridding the backyard of varmints.

I made do with what I have, but Santa is gonna jam some good gun leather into my stocking this year. That and some JHP's...

I can hear it now.. "You did what!!! Loaded up with some old military issue ball ammo???" Even worse to admit, some of my ammo has lot numbers dating it to 1943 :o

Joking aside, what are some good holster companies?
And where are good places to carry?? Small of back, shoulder rig, or what?? I'm 5'11" and about 190 lbs. Not the biggest kid on the block, but by no means the smallest.
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I'd rather be cautious than dead. The only time I step out of my house now without my handgun is if my wife is staying home and I need to leave it for her. I'm sitting here right now writing this reply with my XD securley sitting at 2:30 IWB. You can almost never be too cautious.
Kilroy08 said:
so I felt like a guy at a black-tie affair who had his sticker pecking out
Better then a guy at a black-tie affair with his pecker sticking out!:D
Hell in that situation what else can you do? Maybe get a slimmer gun like a Glock 9mm but you wern't trying to conceal. With 34 home invasions to date here on Long Island, when a strange car pulled up after dark on Halloween in front of my house I got a bit antsy. Only when 5 kids piled out I knew it was just a late run of trick or treaters. The last home invasion here involved some masked intruders that were allegedly taking advantage of Halloween to pull their robbery. My coworkers husband is a Nassau county cop assigned to the task force looking for these guys so I get the updates from her.
Pythonguy, News 12 reported 48 home invasions this year when coverring the one from Halloween. Are the 34 you mention for the whole Island or just Nassau. They seem to be close to the Suffolk Nassau border. I live way out near Shirley/Mastic. Nice enough where I am but with enough low lifes in the area and plenty not too far away to be real concerned.
There's a possible serial rapist going around the Seattle/Tacoma area. His MO seems to be knocking on the front door, then presenting a weapon, tieing up the occupants, and then raping one or more female occupants. On one occasion, there were three males and two females in the residence. He has struck four times that I have heard of. I'm mostly carry around a 4" Taurus 66 when I'm around the house, even now that I live in a rural area. Better safe than sorry.

Also, if you have an alarm on your home, arm it, even when you're home. If somebody forces my front door, I'll know in a hurry.
mgdavis- He just struck again here in Tacoma this morning. An apt with 3 girls, luckily two got untied and he ran before he could rape anyone.

What I used to consider borderline paranoid is now simply prudent.

People should be in condition yellow at all times.
Not paranoid at all. I would have done the same thing. In fact, I occasionally 'gear up' just to go retreive something out of my car if it's after dark.
Hi Musketeer, I got the number 34 from Newsday, it was 33 when I wrote the post on home invasions, and this last one made it 34. I guess it must be the Nassau area they are quoting, but I'm not positive.
Nice area

I grew up on LI, Glen Cove.
Recently moved from Purchase NY. About 25-30 yrs ago a gang of burglars would park by the golf course, walk across it and break into homes in (very) nice area.
Good luck.

An hour and a half ago I ran out of gas halfway to the gas station two miles away. Gotta get that gauge fixed on the Javelin. Anyway, It was right in front of a house where the guy was mowing. I walked up to him and he didn't seem parnoid at all, just gave me a ride to my house where I got a can, then to the station to fill it up and back and waited until the car fired up. I'm glad he wasn't too paranoid as I had my .38 tucked in my waistband, and I'm sure he didn't notice it.

There are legitimate times for people to be out of gas, or break down or generally need assistance. Let's not forget that. Be a good neighbor.

Of course, cover your six.
That's not paranoid at all.

That's just smart.

Going to the shower with a piece full of hot rounds and body armor,,,,,, now that's paranoid(I think there is a thread on here about that).
I don't think its paranoid, but you seem to be unable to decide for yourself. Personally, I carry something around the house, and certainly outside. To me, your actions were just prudent.
Nah, that's not paranoid. I don't have a peep hole in my door and when someone knocks at night I always keep the gun either in my hand that they can't see or within arms reach. Usually it's just my idiot neighbor coming over for some bs reason though.

Hell, my XD is sitting on the desk right now while i'm at the computer.
Kilroy, IMO (whatever that is worth), you did OK.

Look at the Desantis Cozy Partner or Don Hume PCCH. Both IWB rigs with snap loops. FIST 20 is another good one. I carry a full-size 1911 in the DeSantis rig every day with no problems (I'm 6'-6" and 205#). I have not had to increase my pants size either, fwiw. usually has great deals on 'seconds', I've bought several from them.