Tony Snow dead at 53....

On a professional level, many people may have differences of opinion of how he performed his duties for both of the Bush Administrations and his work on Fox and CNN. But, for some reason, I really liked the alternate approach of journalism that he applied.

On a personal level, I have to admire the guy. He stood up to cancer the best he could and didn't hide it from the public. I think others out there with cancer can feed off of his attitude towards the life he had and use it to their advantage.

Brave man, he was. Rest in peace. My condolences to his family and friends...
It is really hard not to like that guy. Over time I have developed a real disdain for political commentary and cable news talking heads, but I really did admire Tony Snow for his "I've got cancer but life goes on" attitude.
I feel for him and his family, and I admire the way he handled his cancer. He seemed like a genuinely nice man. But its a shame he spent his last years spreading lies for the present administration. I hope he made his peace with the creator and is forgiven. May he rest in peace.
If you doubt that, remember that Snow denied that the Administration tried to link Iraq to the 9/11 attacks:

"Snow was asked about former CIA Director George Tenet’s remarks from 60 Minutes:

TENET: We could never verify that there was any Iraqi authority, direction, and control, complicity with al Qaeda for 9/11 or any operational act against America. Period.

Snow responded, “Wait a minute, Chris. The president has been saying exactly that all along. I don’t know what the headline is.” He insisted “there has been no attempt to try to link Saddam to September 11.

But the resolution for the Iraq War states:

Whereas members of al Qaida, an organization bearing responsibility for attacks on the United States, its citizens, and interests, including the attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, are known to be in Iraq

So I will stick by my statement that he spread misinformation on behalf of the present administration. As I said earlier, though, he always seemed like a nice man, and a good family man. I send my condolences to his family, and hope he made peace with his Creator before passing away.
Yes, by why even bring up your opinions about his soul or his relationship with his Creator.

Why must you throw mud at the man at all. People were admiring his courage and strength and you had to make it political Unregistered. Why? Isnt there enough political commentary and discussion about the adminstration in other threads around here.

Like Kenny said, really classy. :rolleyes:
I admire his courage and strength also. I wasn't trying to politicize, but see no reason to canonize him either. He was not a man without fault. No one is. I am not throwing mud. He did what I said he did. But we can leave the truth out if you wish.
You were not trying to politize but you did.

Canonize hardly,
Heck I respected, this by huchahuchax-
It is really hard not to like that guy. Over time I have developed a real disdain for political commentary and cable news talking heads

Everyone has faults, yes, I think we all agree on that, but this was a positive thread, nicely done by all until you injected your opinion about the man's politics.

But we can leave the truth out if you wish.
Who left any truth out, but there is a time and a place for such things, this was neither the time nor the place to run the man down.

I guess your mother never taught you "If you don't have something nice to say don't say anything." He is a clue, in the future when everyone is saying nice things about a guy they even disagreeded with, dont say anything.
I agree, I shouldn't have pointed out what he did while working for Bush.

But to be quite honest I believe much of the support for Tony Snow, and the indignation being expressed here because of my comments, is mainly because he was a pro-Republican spokesperson. When Ted Kennedy was diagnosed with his brain disorder, many here seemed almost jubilant, and when Sarah Brady was diagnosed with lung cancer, many people were downright ecstatic.

It is a shame that our respect for human life and dignity seems to have boiled down to whether or not we agree with someone politically.

Incidentally, my mother was killed in a car wreck when I was three, so no she never taught me much of anything. No need to blame her from my personal shortcomings.
If I had read similiar things about Kennedy and the others I would have just been ticked off. Like you know life is short. I just try and keep civil with others and maybe leave the place a little bit better than when I found it.
My respect for Mr. Snow was earned years ago when he was a fill in Host for Rush. He was very popular and many people enjoyed his views.

kenny b
Tony Snow did more to demonstrate what a man can be in his past years than most will in their lives. Those unfamiliar with his take on living with a terminal disease should try their best to familiarize themselves with it.

RIP Mr. Snow.
But to be quite honest I believe much of the support for Tony Snow, and the indignation being expressed here because of my comments, is mainly because he was a pro-Republican spokesperson.

I didn't know much of his actual party preference until a few years ago.

There are actually a few journalists out there that I disagree with many of their own political beliefs yet still respect their opinions.
But its a shame he spent his last years spreading lies for the present administration.

His job was to speak to the press the views of the administration that he works for, not what HE thinks. Whether you claim that he lied for the adm or not, it isn't the point. He did his job. There's not one press secretary that's going to take the microphone and purposely contradict what the president wants to be stated to the public. He/she wouldn't have their job for 5 minutes if this was the case.
I guess my point is, he didnt have to do that job. He could have just stayed at Fox News, or done something else.

He will be remembered more for that (ie, being Press Secretary) than anything else.