Tommy gun


New member
Since I have most configurations and calibers of handgun, plus a few rifles, on a whim I bought a tommy gun.
Does anyone have experience with the semiauto version of this subgun?? Am I nuts, obsessive compulsive, or is it just possible that this gun might be fun to shoot at the range??
Please give me something to justify this purchase!!
Sincerely, Twoinchgroup52
It can be fun, but the main fun seems to be the looks you will get at the local range. They may even run you off if they are "sportsmen" who disapprove of "nutty guns" (as one man of my acquaintance calls anything that is not his Pre-64 Model 70 Winchester).

The semi's are heck to cock, though, since they fire from a closed bolt. Also, military magazines do not fit. The GI stick mags can be made to work, but no one in his right mind would modify an original (and very expensive) drum mag, even assuming it could be done. The drum mag that can be ordered from Kahr is primarily a dummy - it holds only 10 rounds to comply with the law, and no, it can't be modified to take more.

I think from a "cool" standpoint, few guns are any better. Practically, they could certainly be effective with 30 rounds of 45 ACP, but I don't believe they feed hollowpoints very well if at all. As Mr Keenan mentioned, cocking the bolt will give you a hernia. The one I had took 2 trips back to the factory because it would not chamber a round and jammed constantly. They replaced the firing pin and bolt and now it works fine. Mine is pretty accurate but a 9 1/2 lb pistol carbine seems way too heavy. That said, I just love mine!
20 and 30 round magazines can be altered to work by filing the latch hole upward slightly. 50 round drums will work as is, if you have the moola to buy one, and can even FIND one for sale. There was also a limited version 40 round drum.

Gun Parts originally made these and may still have some accessories. They made an adaptor plate that allowed using a 1921/28 detachable butt stock.

These things are a HOOT to shoot. I hope you have a Dillon reloader, you'll need it. It's like eating potato chips.

Although long and heavy, it is still a viable defense gun. Those 30 rounds of .45 ACP will still do the job.

If ever a gun was over built, it was the Thompson. All milled steel and American walnut.
I have been lusting over one for some time now. As mentioned, the "coolness factor" is unrivaled.
The COOL factor is overwhelming. The military history is pretty cool too. Big, ugly, clunky and effective. Col Hackworth prefered the Thompson to the M1 Carbine for recon work in Korea.....his were liberated from the enemy. We used them in Viet Nam into the late 60s. The French made a bunch that were used by eastern bloc countries into the early 90s.

Yeah, I've been thinking about buying one of these things for years. The thing that holds me back (other than the price) is that long-too long barrel. It just kills the original profile. Hey, have fun buddy!