Tommy gun statistics?

SAA GunSlinger

New member
Is there statistic to know how many times the Thompson submachine gun was used in violent crimes during the roaring 20's? Im just trying to figure out was the tommy gun really used by gangsters of the era as much as Hollywood shows and I know the NFA 1934 act was passed because the amount of violent crime during prohibition but how much did the Thompson to attribute to that? If If i could find a way to look up statistics I could answer both my questions
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I wouldn't go by Hollywood's gangster movies any more than their westerns for an accurate portrayal of the era.

The Tommygun was used by both the bad guys and the Feds, and some local police as well. Machine Gun Kelly got a name and a rep but apparently used other guns more than the Tommygun. 2 Tommyguns are reported used in the St Valentine's Day Massacre.

I think it was the high profile nature of the gun's use, rather than the frequency that made it so iconic.

I have no idea if the FBI collected statistics on them in those days, but they probably did. No idea how you'd go about getting them, though, sorry.

While you're looking at Tommyguns look at other full auto weapons used by famous "motor bandits" "whippets" made from sawed off (stolen BARs) were used by Bonnie and Clyde and I think a few others.

I remember seeing a 1911 pistol (.38 super) that is in (the FBI?) museum, converted to full auto and with a forward pistol grip. taken from "the Dillinger Gang".

Absolutely they were used, but I think Hollywood used more Tommyguns than the real bad guys did.

Moving to the Full Auto forum...
It's highly unlikely such records were kept. And if they were they've likely long since been destroyed.
The NFA of 1934 used violent crime during prohibition as an excuse. The Volstead Act(aka The National Prohibition Act) was repealed in 1933. The $200 tax, an astronomical amount of money then, was primarily to keep such stuff out of the hands of the poor. Mostly people of "colour".
"...was the Tommy gun really used by gangsters..." Absolutely. Criminals used whatever they could steal. National Guard Armories were not as secure then. The converted 1911 AMP speaks about was used by Baby Face Nelson. And Machine Gun Kelly was called that due to his frequent use of a Chopper.
I know the NFA 1934 act was passed because the amount of violent crime during prohibition

Maybe. Prohibition ended in 1933. Maybe I'm just being too cynical--But I've always suspected that NFA 34 was passed to keep all those G-men and Revenuers on the public
But I've always suspected that NFA 34 was passed to keep all those G-men and Revenuers on the public payroll.

The NFA is a Jim Crow law, plain and simple - designed to keep certain firearms out of the hands of the non-rich, and specifically out of the hands of people of color.
The Revenuers(AKA the ATF) were, and are, more about taxes not being paid by the assorted unlicenced producers and importers(like Joe Kennedy, JFK's daddy.) of alcohol than anything else.
The Revenuers(AKA the ATF) were, and are, more about taxes not being paid by the assorted unlicenced producers and importers(like Joe Kennedy, JFK's daddy.) of alcohol than anything else.

Once they were, today they do a lot more.
I'm certainly NOT rich, and I don't have any privilege of being a person of color, in fact, I'm very white and of Irish ancestry, but I have recognized certain firearms that have now proven to be a pretty dam good investment, even at this point in time.
We live in the boondocks of Northwestern Wisconsin surrounded by 360 acres of timber. Not too far away, over in the Blue Hills, BIGFOOT tracks have been spotted. We also have a growing population of re-introduced 'timber wolves', that have been known to frequently eat poodles for lunch in folks back yards. There are also some black critters that have absolutely no respect for peoples property:

So, if we try to enlist any sort of aid from the Wisconsin DNR, all they suggest is that we get air-horns to scare some of our visitors off. Sure.
I do have a range out back of my shop where I and my customers shoot with impunity from most anyone:



So, to protect our empire, we need to be prepared. :)