Tom Knapp on American Shooter...

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
Caught a segment on this guy today on the TNN network,in between the GOB bass shows. Using a Benelli Nova and a Benelli semi, he busted clays he threw into the air. Anyone besides me catch this?

Back in the 50s, Herb Parsons used to give shows where he,among other things, would hit 7 clays he threw before they touched down. He used a Model 12.Of course, the 12 could be "slam fired",and that was what Herb did.

Tom went for 8,and did it. Rate of fire sounded like full auto. They mentioned that the Nova could NOT be slam fired. And the show was truly amazing, and I've seen some good shots in my time.

Oh, yes, AA skeet loads with #9 shot, 2 3/4 dram, and a skeet choke.
Saw him on Bill Dance last week. Shooting aspirin out of the air with a .22 semi-auto. Shot Bill's spinnerbait out of the air with same .22 during a cast.
Yeah, I've watched him. Truly awesome. He did eight the first time I saw him on Shooter; didn't he do nine this last time?

I've watched Satterwhite hit seven birds with an 870 which was modified to function like a Model 12. First time at the Steel Challenge in 1982, and then in 1998 (I think) on Shooter.

One of these days, some scrawny little teeny-bopper girl is gonna do that, and a lot of guys will get just real, real quiet...

:), Art
Art, as I recall Annie Oakley was a scrawny teen when she first started amazing folks.

Bobbi Perry,(Sgt,USAR) could write her name with a M-14, and lots of big strong men got real quiet around her.

BTW, Mom was runner up in 1943 in Md's small bore championship, and could do OK with Pop's old Savage O/U.

Back when I instructed for the state, I prefered female rookies to teach, tho there were always exceptions. Women tend to have better eye hand co-ordination,listen to instructions better, and don't have so many preconceived notions that have to be eliminated before any lessons take hold.
Ya Dave I believe it was 9 clays, you trying to put down high dollar benellis again ;)

ART, One of these days, some scrawny little teeny-bopper girl is gonna do that

I like teeny-bopper girls!

And byw no teeny is gonna keep up with me with 3"mag slugs in rate of fire. :D

Which reminds me of my shooing last sat morning using 3"rem slugger 1oz at 1760fps, they got a little snap to em dont they?
A couple-three weeks ago he was ejecting spent hulls from a pump and shooting them in the same motion. :eek: I've almost decided that I dont want to watch him anymore. I've got enough of an inferiority complex as it is.

[This message has been edited by Eric of IN (edited September 18, 2000).]
Tom Knapp is an excellent exhibition shooter.
He was on another show a few years ago (I see reruns on OUTDOOR channel.)

Tom replaced Byron Ferguson the archery exhibition shooter on American Shooter.
The asprin with archery is a neat trick.
Bob Munden followed using a six shooter on asprin, but I like Bob's 200 yard snubbie shot (Yes, he hit a balloon at 200 yards with a 2" snub. )

I actually saw American Shooter when it was on ESPN, (Or ESPN2, maybe it was on both? ort even before the deuce? it has been a few years.)

My wife watched the SALAD shooter, she loved the head of cabbage( hint visualize throwing a whole head of cabbage in air, BAM, coleslaw anyone?)

The show needs to advertise the exhibition shooting schedules, we need more people to go watch shooting like this. Too bad it doesn't get local TV coverage... and probably never will.

Anyway, I do enjoy watching Tom shoot. Boy is he fast.

Dave McC: Your comment, "Women tend to have better eye hand co-ordination,listen to instructions better, and don't have so many preconceived notions that have to be eliminated before any lessons take hold." is dead on for accuracy!

I use this line quite often when talking to neutral or mildly anti-gun women. It's fun to see it take hold, and a common reaction is to look further into learning to shoot. The part about "unlearning" Hollywood BS is a real attention getter...

Oberkommando: Don't bet the farm on it!

:), Art
Thanks, Art, nice to hear this confirmed again. Former COIII and firearms instructor Janis Parks,now with the US Marshals. put the reason men didn't do as well as "Testosterone Poisoning".

OBER, I did averages of qualifying scores of roookies divided by gender to prove/disprove this after discussing it with other instructors. IF the male rookies with prior military service were removed from the data, the women scored a good bit higher with the handgun and Mini 14, and a bit higher with the shotgun.IOW, given equal amounts of instruction and range time,the women shot better.
Ober, ever see me slam any reliable, effective shotgun of whatever make? While I admit to liking the 870 very much, I don't worship at any company's altar.

If someone wants to get a Benelli, it's their money.

And maybe few if any teeny girls might keep up with your rate of fire, some might just surprise you. Like Meriweather....

She was a rookie of small size and zero firearms experience we had to train in 81. but there were problems...
Birth defects had left her with no opposable thumb on one hand,and a clubbed thumb/fingers on the other. She was right handed, left eyed, weighed about 100 lbs in full kit,and had to qualify with all weapons to keep the job. She had about a boatload of heart,tho, and determination like few I've met.

The instructors admired her spirit, but few gave her much chance of qualifying, and even I had doubts. Long story short, she qualified at over 80% with all weapons, and her score with the Model 64 S&W handgun was somewhat higher than that of the men in her class, including vets. She got a public "Attaboy" at the end of the shooting segment of preservice training.