Tom DeLay


New member
Got a call and a letter from the office of Tom DeLay the other day that was set up much like the call and letter from Bob Smith when he was asking for donations to his campaign. Tom is asking for money that will go to help protect gun rights.

The problem I see is that the payment goes to the National Republican Congressional Committee, which last time I checked, had some questionable gun supporters (anti's) associated with it.

1. Is there any way to know if my money is going to be used the way I'm told it is going to be used?
2. What is DeLay's voting record on gun rights? Why do I remember something about him working with Hatch?
3. Am I seeing a scam in progress here?

Maybe it's just the paranoia...

Anyway, if anyone else gets the call, I suggest you think about this one before you send money.
Remember guys, the system attempted to silence Tom Delay recently(Congress shooting) The octopus failed but Tom Delay has been very quiet for some time just as Senator Imhoff is quiet since his propeller fell of his plane. Dont count on any of these Congressmen. The patriotic ones are literally fearful of their lives! See how the Congress is softpedding all this evidence about Waco and Delta force involvment. I have said it many times before. There is no more checks and balances in our government. Clinton is running the show and Congress and judicial system are in lockstep with him. Very bleak situation for America.In your heart you know this assesment is correct. Stalinism is alive and well in Amerika.
I'd guess you were identified by a computer as pro-gun-rights, possibly due to a letter or email you sent previously, and when their increasingly efficient moneygrubbing system comes after you they punch up message number 6, the "pro gun rights theme" instead of number 7, "school vouchers" theme, or especially instead of number 9, the famous "repeal the 2nd Amendment" theme.

Whatever, if the contribution goes to the national committee, it will be spent how they please. For example, Ron Paul will not get any of it.
Greetings, all. I,too, stopped donating to RNC after the cowardice displayed by the Senate Republicans when they voted "in" gun control provisions after killing the Democratic version of the same thing!!! I simply donate to the pro-gun individual candidate. I've mentioned this to the RNC several times, but they are not paying attention as I still get calls and mail requests for money. Best.