Tom DeLay(sic?) wants our money

Dale Rabideau

New member
I was solicited by Tom DeLay, majority whip in the House, for money to support pro Second Amendment Republicans. The recorded message sounded the NRA line of no more laws and prosecuting under the current laws.

When the lady came back on after words to ask me rhetorical questions. I didn't follow her lead. I told her that instead of prosecuting under the current laws, we need to get rid of all the gun laws. She said, "You would let murders have guns?" I said yes, as long as they committed no crimes with guns, why shouldn't they have one for their own protection? I then stated that I cannot trust Republicans or Democrats to protect my Second Amendment right. I have come to the conclusion that only the Libertarians are consistant in their philosophy and would protect my rights.

I then wrote a letter to my Representative referring to the DeLay solicitation and stating that people should be punished for the crime, not law-abiding citizens who use the same tools the criminal used. If you want to be consistant with restricting tools for murder, why not include knives, hammers, axes, etc., and of course don't forget hands.

Anyone else get this solicitation?
Yep. Must be several months ago by now. Actually I was called twice! (We have three phone lines and six registered voters at this address.)

I did okay the first time - but it was the second call that I was ready for with a bunch of "Gee I wish I'd said" thoughts left over from the first call.

I told them all my money goes to the NRA or other gun-rights organizations.

I was polite and calm, but firm. We must have talked for about ten minutes. I don't remember the exact wording of our conversation but, thanks to our debates on TFL, I had my points lined up rather well. I even jotted them down during DeLay's little (taped) speech so I'd hit them all if given a chance.

I doubt that I stated them as well as what follows, but I tried my best.

- I was a proud Republican for forty years, but the GOP left me; I did not leave the Party.

- Calling gun control "crime control" does not change the level of infringement on the Second Amendment.

- Compromising our gun rights away slower than the Democrats wanted is NOT less of an infringement. It merely gives the Democrats everything they want over time.

- I have become a one-issue voter, defending the Second Amendment, because of that Amendment's original intent (to protect citizens from a tyrannical government). It is the excessive federal meddling in my personal and private affairs that led me to believe this is necessary.

- Voting for a third party is not the same as voting for a Democrat. 1) We vote "for" candidates - not against them. 2) Voting for a Republican is voting for the Democrats' agenda because of the Republicans' penchant for "compromise".

What I really wanted, most of all, was to tell the Republicans to remember their own platform. (Yes, I've read it.)

I would like to see the Republicans become the conservative opposition to the Democrats' liberalism.

I would like to see the Republicans reduce the size of the federal government and its meddling in our personal and business lives.

And the Republicans would win my total support if they would stand up and state clearly that nearly every gun control law in America infringes on the Second Amendment, is therefore unconstitutional and is therefore rescinded.

Once again, nearly every American would be able to buy, own, and carry firearms of virtually any type, any way, anywhere. The only firearms crimes would be crimes of threatened, intended, or actual initiation of unwarranted force or deadly force.

That's what America was all about - and what it needs to do to reduce crime and ensure freedom for our people.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited November 06, 1999).]
Yeah, they called me, too! I refused to give money, despite a persuasive sales pitch, because the org is the NRCC, not Tom Delay, not any other particular candidate. As I explained to the lady, she's either misinformed or lying when she told me the NRCC's "main purpose" is to elect pro-gun Republicans to office. B f'ing S! That is a lie. Their main goal is to elect Republicans, period, to office, including f-stains like Hyde and Hatch. They're just using the pro-gun slant because they know we're so passionate on the issue. Don't let the smokescreen fool you- Their org is about Republicans period, not pro-gun candidates. If she had asked for a donation to Tom Delay directly or some other demonstrably pro-gun pol, I would have given money. Don't fall for it, guys - give to the NRA, the GOA, the Second Amendment Foundation, or SPECIFIC pro-gun candidates directly.

Hold on to your seat. Brace yourself. I'm speechless. Nothing more could be said or added by anyone else!

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Tom Delay,like other republicans originally critical Of Big Comrade, is quiet since the shooting at the Congress by a so called "nut". His bodyguard,although mortally wounded saved Delays life for sure. ALL oposition to Big comrade is quiet now. No problems from republicraps.
I committed to donate $30.

Here is the letter I am sending along with the 10 $3 Clinton bills I placed in the envelope.

Suggestions and corrections for accuracy are encouraged.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> The Republican party was given the congressional majority many years ago by the voters. This party promised smaller government, lower taxes, and the recall of unconstitutional laws. All legislation that has passed through the House and the Senate needed the cooperative help of BOTH parties to pass. This includes the illegal laws that we currently slave under.

What we have now is a larger, more intrusive government, more taxes, in spite of a "kinder, gentler" IRS, and even more laws that illegally restrict the constitutional rights of the citizens of the United States.

For two (2) terms a draft-dodging, unfaithful, immoral, lying traitor has sat in the oval office writing legislation using the war and emergency powers given to the office in 1933 that has never been recalled, and it is only recently that the question of recalling this act has even been mentioned (66 years later).

Bureaucratic offices add rules and restrictions to these already illegal laws and murder people over an illegal $200.00 transfer tax and cosmetic features of firearms (see Ruby Ridge and Waco) and then go UNPUNISHED.

If you are indeed a man of constitutional integrity then you have stood your ground as your party's platform has shifted and abandoned you. If you are this man, then we stand on common ground, and I would support you as an individual. But, I refuse to support a party that has turned and stabbed those in the back who placed them in power.

So here is my contribution to a party that has merged with the liberal train of thought and given us false hopes of a day when we could breathe easier and pursue our own course of life uninfringed by an constitutionally legitimate government. It's as real as the promises that they made years ago.[/quote]


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!