

New member
I hate to ask a dumb question. But are these things really worth the price that people are asking $1200+ in some cases depending on condition. If I understand correctly they are the most rare of the Tok variants. Are examples accepted by Egypt more or less valuable then those sold other places because the contract was cancelled? Most of the info I get about them is from sellers. And I dont really trust anyone who has something to gain by the sale. Any insight on the subject is appreciated?
This has been said on this forum many times. "They are worth what someone will pay for it." If the asking price is $1200 plus, and it sits for a year, probably not. It is not a common collector item. They may sell high for a little while until collections are filled and then drop off. I see that on Gunbroker a lot. There are rifles listed on there for over a year.
I havent seen any listed for a long time. Maybe this seller thought it was his time to get top dollar for one. I think I will take what you're saying into consideration and wait it out for a while. It seemed to pay off on the FEG M37. I ended up with a mint example for the money I wanted to spend on it.
"And I dont really trust anyone who has something to gain by the sale."

Since every seller has "something to gain", you probably won't be buying many guns (or anything else).

@James K. - What I am trying to say is that I dont trust a seller to fairly represent the item they are selling.
Can anyone confirm or deny the rarity of a Tokagypt contract pistol? Where there other non-tokagypt contract tokarev made in Hungary?
These guys say only 13,250 were made for Egyptian police in 7 variations in 1957. Said variations apparently being mostly the markings.
Where the thing was listed has a lot to do with pricing. Seems like most of the auction sites are populated by dealers vs private sellers trying to retire on one sale. However, it's a milsurp. You have to know about whatever the thing is.