Tok ammo


New member
Alright, took advantage of the sale SOG is having on the Yugo Md. 57 Tok....and now am looking into ammo. Will definitely be buying some rounds for this beast after the next paycheck. Read about the differences between the various origins of the ammo (i.e. Bulgarian, Romanian, Russian, Polish), and that the Polish casings seem to split after firing. However, being that this is an old Eastern Bloc weapon of Russian origin, these things are built to take abuse. I have heard though, to seriously stay away from some of the Czech ammo that was produced for the submachine guns because pressures exceed that which the frame of the Toks can handle...but a different story for the CZ 52, which logistically could be the very much smaller equivalent of a T-82 tank. Anyways, excited about the gun and how cheap it will be to shoot. Which means if my girlfriend happens to like it also, it won't be that abusive to my pocketbook.;)
For milsurp 7.62x25mm I prefer the Romanian. It works, is cheap, and doesn't stink quite as bad as some of the others. It still smells like a dead cat on fire, but it won't choke you out like the Bulgarian ammo.:D

No problems with blown primers or cracked cases either, and I've shot a stack of cans of it. Can't say that for some of the other tok ammo I've tried.

But I prefer Prvi over any of the milsurp cans. It is also sold as "wolf gold". It is nice, noncorrosive ammo that doesn't smell at all like a chemical plant disaster or burning varmints. The HP load is even a respectable choice for carry if you wanted to do that for some reason.
a. Congrats, you'll love your Tokarev.
b. There's no such thing as "hot sub-gun ammo".
c. The TT is tougher than a CZ.
d. Any of the ammo suggested above would be good, EXCEPT for the Czech, as lots of that is really crappy missfire/click-bang stuff. I'll shoot 1938 Soviet ammo before I'll shoot 1950s Czech fodder.
I have about 700 rnds of the Czec ammo on 8 rnd stripper clips. I am assuming this is the sub-gun stuff. I have only shot about two boxes of it (80 rnds) but have not had any problems with it. I have used it in both a CZ 52 and Romi TT33.
I did find out that it has steel core bullets. Wow, 1600 fps, 85 gr, steel core. That stuff will penetrate anything!
"I am assuming this is the SUB-GUN STUFF. I have only shot about two boxes of it (80 rnds) but have not had any problems with it. I have used it in both a CZ 52 and Romi TT33"

No such thing. It was designed, as you have seen, for pistol use also. The labels even say PISTOL CARTRIDGES.
I ment the ammo that everybody thinks was special for the sub guns. Only because it comes on the stripper clips. I know that there was not a special load for the CZ26 sub machinegun.
I did find out that it has steel core bullets. Wow, 1600 fps, 85 gr, steel core. That stuff will penetrate anything!

Steel jacket, not core. There is a tremendous difference both in terms of penetration and the legalities of import and possession.
I used sub gun ammo in the early 70's. Had a chinese 33 that was a Korean bring back. That was the only ammo available at the time and I had to get it at a class3 dealer. I ran a whole case through it with out a problem. I doubt if there is a difference between sub and pistol ammo, but it was sub ammo. You are better off with new non-corrosive stuff, I had to clean that gun for three days after I shot it.
Steel jacket, not core. There is a tremendous difference both in terms of penetration and the legalities of import and possession

That being said, I know what it is. I had he occasion to find one I shot. Copper jacket separated from a very hard, magnetic pill of about 25 caliber of so. If it ain't steel, I would like to know what it is. Say no more! Never know who is looking!!!!!
"I doubt if there is a difference between sub and pistol ammo, but it was sub ammo."

Gunplummer, your doubts are well-founded, there is NO SUCH THING as Tokarev "sub-gun" ammo, it was ALL designed for pistol and SMG use.

I couldn't guess what percentage, but a good amount of the Czech surplus Tokarev ammo does have a steel core; actually two different styles, cylindrical and mushroom shaped.
I think the "hot" ammo thing started with people buying it for the 7.63 Mauser. I used to shoot 7.63 Mauser in my 33, it was almost impossible to get 7.62x25 back then. The case is a little different, and the load is really light compared to the 7.62x25. It would not bring the slide back far enough to eject half the time. I imagine sticking 7.62x25 into a broomhandle Mauser might cause some severe problems.
There seems to be a GREAT deal of disagreement about this ammo. I have been considering picking up a tokarev for a while (buddy beat me to last gun show :mad: ) and would like to have a reliable basis for deciding which ammo to buy when i eventually get to buy a tokarev. No offense, but can anybody cite a source for their ammo info (preferably something other than wikipedia).

No worries, Orangello, a TT or CZ should happily digest any flavor of milsurp 7.62x25 you might ever come across. The only concern is using hotter ammo in an older and potentially unsafe C96 Mauser pistol.
TT tougher than CZ-52, Wrong
Yes there is some hot Sub-Gun ammo. I have chrono'ed some hot russian, romie and chez stuff out with my 52. All at 1700 fps. And have reloaded up to 1800 fps. And can see 2k fps out of very hot reloads in a solid CZ-52. Not in a TT.

My 52 is my fav. pistol. off iron and hand, clays die at 100 yards!

It was a very clean oem pistol. Replaced the firing pin and rollers. Stripped her down and removed 90% of the ugly comblock machine work marks. Put a fresh park job on her including the barrel bore. And off to the races she went. Safety works great, decocker works. But never trust it. And the trigger is like a micro switch. And it shoots surplus, retail and reloads like they were all made for it.
"TT tougher than CZ-52, Wrong
Yes there is some hot Sub-Gun ammo. I have chrono'ed some hot russian, romie and chez stuff out with my 52. All at 1700 fps. And have reloaded up to 1800 fps. And can see 2k fps out of very hot reloads in a solid CZ-52. Not in a TT."

Think again. Search on-line and you will find a good number of posts about CZs that have not held-up to heavy 7.62TT loads, but you will not find any related to TT "kabooms". All 7.62x25 is hot relative to US-made ammo, but I seriously doubt your 1800fps numbers are reached by any factory ammo. You can load anything to any pressure and call it what you want, but it ain't factory "sub-gun ammo". I have a collection of over 100 Soviet-bloc 7.62x25 Tokarev boxes, packets and labels, and all say either pistol or pistol and submachine gun ammo. You will find no reference in any East-bloc publication that states or suggests that any 7.62x25 ammo was loaded hot for SMG use only. I have a large file on the Tokarev cartridge, you're welcome to come read it all. Bring a cot.
What ever... LOLOLOLOL

I'm no nebie to these pistols. This is my third one in 2o years. And hands down the best. I have also owned three TT's and let us not speak of the Mark.

All of my 52's have always been near match grade pistols. TT's,,, Ive seen some real junk! And not to dish Russian weapons. I really like my nagant rifles. Both should have seen action. And my 1895 Tula 1936 revolver is a very good weapon. 7 shots and ready for a silencer revolver style. :D
What became of all the Russian models? The pawn shops used to be overloaded with them when you could not get ammo. I don't even see them at gun shows.