To those in Denver, CO.


New member
I have heard threats that there will be trouble in the streets this summer at the Democratic Convention, if the primary goes that far. This is in the news, and one of the groups is "Recreate 68" which wants to recreate to violence that existed at the 1968 Democratic convention.

Are you members in that area preparing yourselves?
This one will be interesting to watch from Colorado Springs....

Any members seeking asylum, send me a PM... I'll make some beer. ;)
Yeah, I heard before they were planning on protesting. They also said that they were denied a license to use the city park for their tent city and protest activity so they were going to just use it anyway regardless of the law.... Great group huh? :barf:
The DNC has Re-Create 68 and the RNC has the RNC Welcoming Committee. Both are pretty much a mix of Marxists and Anarchists (I never understood how Totaliarian state control and "No Rules" types could come together). Both groups have web sites that can be found by Googling their names. I think that the DNC has the greatest potential to become violent with the factions battling for control of the Democrat Party. I would not want to be a Denver Police Officer! They really have their jobs cut out for them.
glad I'll not be there

for any of this stuff. But I doubt the festivities will be any better at the McCain convention. So I'd rather not be at either location.

At least Denver starts off as a rather nice place to be compared to some of the other big cities that hold these events.
So Toybox, why do you think the Rebup Convention will be like the Democrat one? The RNC has their candiate, depending on how tommorw's primary goes the nomination will be up in the air until August.

I said "But I doubt the festivities will be any better at the McCain convention."

There will be as many factions playing in the audience and some will still be attempting to get their candidate appointed regardless of how minimal that chance is. Are we to believe there will be no votes cast for Ron Paul or any other candidate before the nomination is codified for McCain. THere will probably be some unhappy campers over who McCain anoints as his running mate for VP. There will be the same rhetoric at both conventions: the other party yada yada yada and our is better becasue yada yada yada. Both conventions attempting to get their constituents fired up to believe some platform established by the hacks. And neither party attempting to actually unit the country with a long term plan.

Note: I did not say the RNC convention will have as great a possibility for some major problems as the Denver convention. But it is interesting that the RNC has been promoting the return to the 68 issues as a problem in Denver for these last two years.
There is something better going on in Denver.

This month the Libertarian Party is having it annual Convention in Denver. Mrs Danzig will be giving a speech and I will be going on R&R from Iraq so that I might attend. Perhaps I will see some of you there!
If there's no candidate

until the convention, the floor fights inside might be more interesting than whatever's going on outside..Yippie!
I live just west of Denver and have experience with some of the initial anti-war protests in Boulder where the protesters started bashing cars that were halted to prevent running over idiots in the streets. I don't wish for violence, but predict it as I have posted here in the past.

The RNC Welcoming Committee plans on blocking traffic on major roads and bridges over rivers in the Twin Cities to prevent delegates from reaching the convention center. I predict violence there too if they have any level of success.
Are you members in that area preparing yourselves?

Unless you're in the Denver PD or choose to get involved in the protests, I don't think you have anything to worry about.

And according to their website, Recreate 68 is opposed to violence.

initial anti-war protests in Boulder where the protesters started bashing cars

When was this?
Most of the protesters, troublemakers, and loose liberal women will be concentrated in the downtown areas close to the Pepsi Center, Capitol Hill, and City Park. Outlying areas of Denver and the suburbs will probably have more traffic than usual but not much more than that I think.

And if I've been paying attention, Denver voters scotched the new jail a few years back so the most obnoxious protesters will either get let go :barf: or learn why jail really sucks :).
And according to their website, Recreate 68 is opposed to violence.

The whole communist party supports revolution, but is "oficially for peace and justice". These people are like the German National Socialist Worker's Party against violence. When everything is opposite, you know what it really means!

Edit to add some of the enlightened speak of freedom of speech, but the stories always leave out the "violence" like car bashing.
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There are those that will show up with violence on their mind AND don't fully understand what's going on . They just want trouble . There are several scenarios and none of them favor peace and love for all concerned . Imagine that Obama gets the nod . There are many that think that a black guy still can't win the Oval Office and will riot on that note . If Hitlery gets the nod over Obama's larger numbers the protestors will claim that the nomination was "stolen from a black man". Many will riot on that note as well and the repurcussions will be felt far from Denver . I have met more than one die hard Dem (actually they are mostly Yellow Dog Dems) that say that if Obama gets the nod they will vote for Mc Pain (so much for the Yellow dog) . It looks to me that Hitlery will carry more women than Obama will have black support and many others feel this way . Plus many PC folks that have given lip service to Obama will change their minds in the booth . They will SWEAR that they voted for Obama since nobody will know . This way they maintain their liberal standing but do not vote for the unknown quantity .
So bottom line is Hitlery with the better chance or Obama with more delagates going into Denver . Of course tomorrow brings more to the table . We'll speak more after IN and NC .
Here is hoping that no one on the Denver PD or any other LEO covering this event gets hurt. They did not ask for this circus to be held in Denver. It is the politicians who hoped to use the DNC for personal gain that should be out in front between the Marxists/Arnichists and the Denver PD.
but the stories always leave out the "violence" like car bashing

So your proof that anti-Iraq-war protesters bashed cars in Boulder is that the Denver Post didn't report it?

I've lived near Boulder for more than 25 years, and the only near-riots I've heard of are drunken fools on the CU campus after football games and on the Pearl Street mall at Halloween. In other words, good old American fun.