To those calling for boycotts on Colt, Ruger and others...

Jim March

New member
As many know, Bill Ruger screwed up not long ago. He was a factor in the 10rd mag limit and spoke against the importation of off-shore military-pattern semiauto rifles, and "in return" his Mini14/30 series wasn't affected by the Federal "sport utility rifle" bans.

Colt has also made some "appeasement type" mistakes.

Well, right about now they're realizing they screwed up. Bill figured this out a while back but that idiot jury in New Yawk plus the "city suits" have been a wakeup call for everybody.

We need to stick together right about now.

Worse, I've actually heard of morons in gun shops talking angrily about not ever buying Rugers and in the next breath admiring a Taurus, or Glock, or SIG.

Ahhhh...sure, that makes sense. NOT. You think US gun laws are bad? Try Brazil, Germany or Austria. They're nightmarish; supporting any of THEM over USofA produced hardware is just *nuts*. Mind you, there's some offshore produced guns that ARE produced under RKBA-positive gov'ts, such as Israel and a few of the former Warsaw pact(!!!) nations with reasonable gun laws. I can't remember enough details on the latter but I think I heard the Cheks ain't bad, etc.

But anyways. Sometimes your allies make mistakes, and if they're any good they'll figure out they screwed up eventually. Ruger is a good case in point, I'm considering a new Ruger now.

OK, Ruger has figured out they may have stepped on an important appendage. I'll accept that. What about Colt...have they publicly repudiated their stand? Until they do not only will I not buy one...I will not own one. Former proud owner of several Colt pistols and revolvers. What Glock does in Austria is Glock's business...if Glock makes statements such as Colt's in America, I'll sell my Glock 29 to some less finicky soul.
Colt has a new CEO. The idiot who indicated he supported a federal firearms permit for possession went on his way.

Bruce Stanton
I know that Colt has a new CEO but I have not heard that Colt has repudiated the statements of the former CEO in any fashion. Until then, as much as I respect the company's history and Colts.
Now is the time for all good men to come to the support of the U.S. gun manufactures.

Fact: New pro gun CEO at Colt
Fact: Bill Senior has retired from Ruger, and Bill Jr. is making things happen.

They have heard the wake up call.
Now, have you?

~Douglas in CT :)
I do agree it is best to support American companies whenever possible. I am one who has
been boycotting Ruger, this was upsetting to me as I felt that Ruger makes a good firearm.
If Bill Ruger has retired and the company has realized it has made an error (not just a
financial one) and doesn't make the same type of error in the near future I will go back to
supporting them.
Jim, for those of us in America, your logic is, unfortunately, flawed.

The only relevant question to USA residents is "Did the company in question support or oppose U.S. Gun Control measures?", regardless of the country of origin of that company.

If Ruger did, but Glock, Taurus, etc. did not, then a boycott on Ruger is indeed in order. We must put our money where our mouth is. Ruger needs to be taught a lesson (you indicate that they have learned it, but I'm not yet convinced). Our money should go to support Glock and others IF they in fact oppose even "reasonable" restrictions (which we know of course are not), at the expense of Ruger. Now, if you know of facts regarding Glock, et al., and their efforts in support of U.S. gun control (not their home countries), then please share this, as this is info we need. Thanks for your consideration of this matter.
I agree with both sides of that coin, in this way:

Support US Companies because they are the only ones who are going to help us defend our rights.. if only to stay in business.. WE need all the allies we can get.

Support Foriegn Companies because a complete importation ban for civilian sale would be the beginning of the end. The next argument would obviously be "what is the difference between a gun made in Massachusettes and one made in Austria? Answer: nothing.. ban them all. Furhtermore, WE DO NOT want to be the only country will privately owned and operated firearms manufacturers. That would only empower the UN more.

If you want to boycott someone, boycott Safty-lok (I think that is the one.. right? The coded magazine people ??)... they are trying to sell their product through legislation. Encouraging muncipalities to mandate the use of their device. Or, Boycott one of the many nationwide franchises that do not allow CCW permit holders to carry in their places of business (last I heard Blockbuster and Lowes were high on the list) If you can do without cheap hardware goods and renting movies for your family then you might be sending a message.. boycotting a gun company.. well, I just don't see that helping.
Yes, after reading Shawn's review of SafTLok, I can see it's a company / product I'd just love. ;) See the bottom of the page at if you haven't caught this yet. I'd feel so much safer if I was required to use those things. ;)

I'm sure the Boston LEO's are also delighted with the new arrangement. If I were them I'd want civilians to be required to use 'em - maybe once in a while a BG would be dumb enough to use it, and then it would be a 'combination'-solving contest.

At this time, considering recent developments, I will be inclined to give all of the gun manufacturers more slack until they show they deserve otherwise again.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited February 23, 1999).]
I am supporting US gun manufacturers. I bought a Bushmaster AR15 in December and just put a Kimber Classic Gold Match on layaway. But until Colt's management publicly repudiates the position of their former CEO, I am not supporting Colt. In the last six months I have supported Ruger, Smith and Wesson, North American Arms, Glock, Heckler & Koch, Bushmaster, and Kimber :) It sure has been fun. If Colt says the right words there are several I will buy in the next few years.
I agree with Spartacus.

Until Colt and Ruger FORMALLY apologize/redudiate, I will continue to boycott them. I hope others will do the same (and let's let them know this).
Perhaps you guys should consider the awesome rebuttle given by one of Ruger's VPs on 60 Minutes last week as a token of their sincerity.

If you missed it, the guy held his ground and firmly stated that the gun industry should not have to do the BATF's job, by limiting sales to dealer's suspected of participating in straw sales.
My reply would be that we would deny not limit sales to anyone who had been charged by BATF with knowingly participating in these sales...and convicted.