To the NRA Bashers out there...


New member
I joined Gun Owners Of America about three months ago. (I know I should have done it sooner) To this date, I have received from them, two letters asking for money and a renewal notice asking me to renew my membership and I haven't even received my freaking membership packet yet. You would think that they would at least send me a membership card or a decal or two before I start getting swamped with letters asking for money or to renew my membership.

Do I still think that GOA is a great organization? Heck yes! Would I join them again? Sure! I just think that you guys should give the NRA a little slack when it comes to requests for money, because GOA does the exact same thing.

I also joined "Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership" at the same time I joined GOA and I haven't heard from them at all. I don't know if they are dead or alive. Anyone know?

NRA Life Member

Joe's Second Amendment Message Board
When I joined JFPO it took a while to get any return info. Like you, I was beginning to wonder what was going on!

Then I received a big, fat envelope full of brochures, etc.! Made interesting reading once I got it.
JPFO Has a major problem with procrastination for what I've seen. I shouldn't judge, because I've got the same problemo. ;)
They do put out the most helpful info IMHO though.

Turn to NPR Ntl. Public Radio tonight:

Friday Nov 5:
7pm Pacific time
8 Mountain
9 Central
10 Eastern

Discussion: Book by JPFO- "Dial 911 and Die!"

Talk to you later. I'm getting out a couple of blank tapes!


"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)

I am a member of the NRA, life member of GOA, and a member of JPFO. Both GOA and JPFO mail their memberships packets out in batches in an effort to save money.

I tell all my friends to join the NRA even though I agree with some of the worst NRA bashers around. Why? One is they are the biggest thing we have going. The other is to promote more people who think the NRA should change strategy to obtain voting privileges.
In the future I will be upgrading my membership in the NRA. However, make no mistake, the NRA betrayed 300,000 machine gun owners in 1986 and then tried to patronize us for our feelings of outrage. This is not "bashing," it is not a mere difference of opinion on the proper strategy. It is simple fact and it will be remembered for a very, very long time. There is an entrenched faction in the NRA who are more interested in their high dollar NRA employment and hobnobbing with the powerful than in the defense of the 2nd Amendment. I'm not interested in throwing the baby out with the bathwater so I encourage everyone to join. Let's keep the baby and get rid of the dirty water.

Byron Quick
Support your friends....

But, then don't sit on your rear...grass roots...

HOBGOOD ACADEMY!!!!Got discretionary income? ;)


"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I am a member of the NRA and encourage others to join. However, I think they have been remiss in the ILA not bringing a lawsuit to stop the CA SB 23. If my memory serves me, in response to my question the ILA stated they were going to court to do this. No action as far as I can tell. Why don't all members question them on this and let's see if they are a lobbying group only or someone who can protect our rights. The CA gun owners seem to be resigned to turning in their guns. If the NRA can't or won't do this let's find an organization who will and get behind it. I am not impressed by rhetoric. I want to see some action. Jerry
I am very glad to see that the NRA is starting to do more advertizing on TV and radio. This is very important. Got to get the message out to the public, not just our fellow gun owners.
I think all pro gun organizations are good but I think it is significant that the anti gunners blame the NRA and not one of the other pro gun organizations when one of their promotions is defeated. It seems sad to me that we have some 80 - 90 million gun owners out there and only 3 million members. The load is obviously being carried by the minority. We need to get gun owners to understand the problem and join up.

Gun control is a steady hand and hitting with the first shot.
I belong to the NRA(life), LEAA, and GOA. I ordered a couple of things from JFPO, never heard from them for over two weeks, and then, magically, the goods showed up. I like their "mad dog" approach to gun control, but am reserving judgment on their effectiveness.

I agree with the NRA bashers, but like others, I still grudgingly support them, warts and all as they remain the 500-lb gorilla in this arena.

Case in point - I saw Charlton Heston appear before the House Govt. Reform Subcommittee, discussing Gun Law Enforcement (Project Exile). CSPAN reruns (bless 'em!)

He looked frazzled, and I though, "Oh, Oh". Well, it turns out the poor guy flew back to Washington and arrived at 1:30 am that day.
Any of you who have flown West to East know how it is. Anyway, he gave a good disserta-tion, explaining how the NRA gave "seed money" to the Project. He got in some other good licks and ended up doing a creditable job. He stayed there about 1/2 hour, then was excused as he had to "meet with Caspar Weinberger". It must have been a long day for him.

Nobody was there from GOA or JFPO, probably because they still don't have that much clout. THAT's why I still hang in there, as difficult as it can be at times.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.