To Glock owners: Clean is better.


New member
I know that many Glock owners feel that routine cleaning is not necessary. I know that I'm not as anal about cleaning my Glocks as I am about some of my other guns, but I won't go past 2 or 3 range sessions without cleaning.

But this is not about routine cleaning, but about cleaning the striker mechanism. Recently my Model 34 had begun to deliver light hits to the primer on a random basis not explainable by hard primers or particular lots of ammo. So I went to my references and learned to strip down the slide. It's pretty easy( is one ref.). The amount of dirt and carbon in the striker channel and on the extractor was amazing, and more suprizing was the quantity of brass filings mixed in with the carbon. I'm guessing that the extractor does this and some of the brass manages to get into the works. I think that in the future to avoid this problem I'm going to clean this area about every thousand rounds as a preventative.

Thought I'd pass this on to other Glock owners who might have similar problems.
Does keeping the channel and pin dry reduce the amount of buildup? I really haven't had the chance to observe extended buildup in this area as I am a fanatic for maintaining clean and adequately lubed weapons.
Of course keeping the striker channel dry lessens gunk build-up..just like overlubing (read, more than four drops) of oil on your Glock exacerbates build up in general.

There should be absolutely no oil or solvent in the striker channel.
Go one better, Ron. Clean out the channel after every range session. I will use at least 4 Q-Tips (both sides) just cleaning the crap out of there after 100 rounds. It's amazing what will build up in the firing pin area.
I agree with stripping the slide on the Glock for cleaning at the intervals Ron suggests, but every 100 rounds is a bit excessive. :) I didn't think anyone liked cleaning their guns that much! :D
FWIW, the last 1/2 dozen or so NEW Glock's have looked @ & stripped the slides had oil {or ?} already in the striker channel. Personally lube all the slide guts with Militec and have no problems as mentioned with stripping/lubing/cleaning same @ ca. 700-1K rounds. Got thru 3 ea. Chuck Taylor Tac Handgun Courses @ ca. 400 rnds. ea. with same lube/cleaning regimen with a highly modified G34 using a 4 lb. Wolff striker spring, etc.