To be on the alert


New member
Good morning, gentlemen.

From 11/09, I keep thinking that all our countries are more and more endangered by all these crazy guys; turn on the TV right now and you'll see why; I think too that one can't stand still, thinking "well, intelligence or police will take care of this" because no intelligence and no police can scan every alien or mad citizen of his country, not if you want freedom (just what terrorist hate, I guess); so, everyone of us, I think, have to keep his eyes open lookin for "odds things" and train himself (mind and body) to react, trying to stop the danger: why not to shoot immediatly the guy in Israel, just discovering his bombs? No one noticed the boy in Finland? I live in Milan, Italy, and maybe you know, we have here a lot of Osama "friends" and I see that no one really pays attention on the bus, or in shopping centers, or in the underground to what is going on all around. What do you think? Am I too much paranoic? Is it impossible to understand that something odd is going on with "that guy"? That's not of my business?

Thank for your time.
Some people have a world view that's so drastically divergent from those of the majority of us in the center of the Bell Curve that effective communication isn't possible. Are they possible to predict? Individually, yes. As a general trend, there will probably always be a segment of our population that just doesn't agree with the rest of us on getting along socially and want to blow something up.

If you want two books that explain some of this theory of human nature try:

"The Lucifer Principle" by Howard Bloom
"Inside the Criminal Mind" by Stanton Samenow