Virtually every veteran I know mentioned veterans day yesterday.
Only one civilian said a word, and she was a stranger that saw my veteran's shirt.
Went out for the local veterans night dinner, we buy dinner for the vets that are on fixed income or are a little short, and some of these guys are on cains, crutches, wheel chairs,
The civilians complained about us taking up so many tables, had these old WWII vets holding the door for teenagers, refused to get up and let a disabled vet sit down while waiting for a table, etc.
Several times I watched disabled or very old vets get up and allow older women, women with babies, etc sit down in the waiting area, not one I saw even said 'Thanks'...
Maybe I've outlived my time in history, but this simply isn't acceptable...
Even with a HUGE sign out front of the restaurant, the civilians kept flooding in and expecting IMMEDIATE seating & service.
Anyway, we fed 140+ vets, had a few stories, caught up with people we don't see but a couple times a year, and generally had a good time!
Some of these old fellers have amazing stories and won't be with us next year, and some of the new guys are amazing people just finding the brotherhood of veterans, getting a little of brotherhood they had in the military. Good bunch of guys!