To all Michigan Gun Owners:

Jason Demond

New member
Updated 11/26/1999
CCW legislation WILL be passed.
submitted by Ross Dykman

MCRGO recently held a public meeting in Greenville with State Reps. Mike Green and Larry DeVuyst to discuss CCW legislation and other happenings in Lansing. We had a packed house and both reps were adamant that we will indeed see the CCW legislation passed before the end of the legislative session. No hedging, no qualifying statements--just assertions that we will indeed get our bills passed. It was great to hear.
They also told us that Rep. Valde Garcia's bill to stop lawsuits against the gun manufacturers was introduced earlier that afternoon. Hopefully this legislation will stop the lawsuits being filed by Wayne County and the City of Detroit against the gun manufacturers.

Both Reps. Green and DeVuyst explained that we're in a major battle for public opinion right now and the anti-gunners are pulling all the stops to convince the governor and everyone else that most of Michigan wants more gun control. They stressed that it's up to each of you to tell the truth--write letters to your local paper and to your own state rep and senator in support of CCW. Also write the Governor himself.

The anti-gunners are doing it as we speak and we're being out-lettered according to Engler staffers. Letters to Governor John Engler will help and every one of you should write and send him one this week stating that you're a voter and a gun owner and you want CCW passed and that your votes in the 2000 election depend on this one issue. And let him know you're an MCRGO member as well.

He may not read all the letters, but his staff count them and tell him how many gun owners wrote versus how many anti-gunners. He'll go whichever way the wind blows on the issue and we need to make it blow our way. Start writing and get others to do the same.

That address is:
Governor Engler
State Capitol,
P.O. Box 30013,
Lansing, MI 48909

Enthusiasm and interest at the meeting was so good that we'll probably be forming a local chapter in that area soon and we're also looking to host meetings in Grand Rapids and Kalamazoo soon. If you want an MCRGO meeting with pro-gun legislators in your area, let us know. We need a hall or room in which to have the meeting-VFW hall, township hall, library, gun club, etc. You help us find a facility near you and we'll make it happen.

Special thanks to members Ken Murphy and Tom and Phyllis Boultinghouse, and also to Rick Huey, Tony DuBois, Bob Harasim, Al Simon, Larry Belgraph and all the other great MCRGO supporters who showed up to make the meeting such a resounding success.


General Dwight D. Eisenhower-- June 6,1944