Titegroup really sticking to plastic hopper


New member
either on forums or on ebay, I have often seen severely stained plastic powder hoppers. I had always assumed it was from folks leaving the hopper filled with powder for long periods. Well today after having some Titegroup in my Dillon hopper for about 5 hours, I found that the powder had adhered itself to the plastic. I don't mean static cling, but adhered. I had to actually scrape the powder off the walls of the hopper.

It is after all a 30 year old hopper and I wondered if the plastic was merely breaking down and becoming sticky. For comparison I decided to empty the Hornady plastic jug and to see if the powder was adhering to the jug. Sure enough the powder was stuck to the inside of the jug and required scraping also.

The powder is not clumpy and it still meters very well. Is this a known issue with Titegroup, or is there something wrong with this lot of powder?

edit added: I have 2 pounds, both were purchased about one year ago.
I use Titegroup for all the handgun rounds I reload. Never sits more than an hour or so in the powder hopper, so can't help you there. Just checked my four pound bottle, and nothing is sticking in there either, but it's only about 3 months old. Guess I use it fast enough to never have problems. ;)
I dont have Tightgtoup, but had the same thing happen with Bullseye years ago. I left it in the powder measure for several days and had a heck of a time scraping it out. Sides of the hopper were no longer see thru.
Take one of those "anti-static" dryer sheets your wife uses in the dryer and rub it on the outside of the hopper. Doesn't hurt to wipe on the inside once it is empty. Problem Solved!
Martys, this is NOT static cling. just for grins I soaked the empty jug full of hot water and dish soap overnight and had to use a brush to finally get it to break free this morning.

just gonna have to do smaller batches so that the powder doesn't sit in there too long I guess.
I have left Titegroup in my dillon for as long as 3 or 4 months, so far no problems. Also have left WST, and Unique in it for extended periods. Come to think of it, it has some type of powder in it all the time. I do wipe it with a dryer sheet sometimes. I did have the hopper on my RCBS measure actually etched inside, never left powder in, not even over night.
Who knows?????????????
I have a 32 year old RCBS Uniflow. And the inside is stained from sheer time. I always empty my hopper when I'm though with the load session.

I have made the same observation with TiteGroup. It's the worst. A thick - two or three layers deep - coating remains on the side walls. I have to take a cotton tipped applicator to knock it all off the wall.

Other propellants stick some; but nothing like TiteGroup. It's in a class by itself. Actually, I considered posting about it, but just never got to it. I guess today's the day ;)
Easy fix if you will. Empty hopper, open up best you can. Put baby powder inside, shake and clean, no more stick at all. Just make sure you wipe it out good.
I use powder graphite. Just add it to the hopper then shake it. Pour it out. I use titegroup all the time with no problem