'Tis the Season - Merry Christmas to all


New member
As I sit here taking turns typing and eating the last of the "Heavenly Hash", a dish my Mom still makes for every Christmas Eve dinner, I can't help but remember last Christmas Eve.

You see, our family gets together on Christmas Eve. The kids, Grandkids and my parents have a dinner and swap gifts so on Christmas Day the only things under the tree are from Santa! We,ve always done it this way and we have been blessed, ever since my Grandkids have been here, with a visit from Santa himself! He just seems to "appear" at the back door, knocking and asking to see the children. He sort of resembled me for the first three years but one of the Grandkids almost thought the resemblance was too much last year - so this year he sort of resembled Great Garandpa, someone they don't see as often. We had a great time and everyone left well fed and happy - which brings me back to last year.

Christmas Eve 1998 found us without electricity, hot water, phone service or a means to cook food for the guests. Biggest ice storm in twenty years, they said. We ate cold ham on loaf bread and managed to warm some veggies on the kerosene heater. Santa still came, we still swapped gifts and everyone still left happy.

Regardless of you faith, regardless of your feelings about Christmas tradition or meaning - please remember that it's one of the best excuses there ever was for getting together with friends and family and sharing your homes and hearts with each other.

May God bless you all and may you all have a happy, healthy and safe Holiday.

From me and mine to you and yours...

Merry Christmas Mikey, and to you Dennis.

Have a great holiday and enjoy your families. That's what Christmas is all about, enjoying the gifts that God/Allah/Buddha/Clapton has given us all.

Merry Christmas!