Tired of MG!


New member
This may be a really odd question, but how does one go about looking up and finding class III dealers who are reputable and easy to work with when it comes to selling an MG?

I've finally reconciled myself to the fact that my Uzi has become a safe queen and probably needs to go away. I want her to find a good home, but since I moved 300 miles from my NFA dealer I'm kind of lost as to the process.

Tom Bowers has a listing of dealers. You can search by state. The site is sufficiently active that problem individuals will not be on the list.

Meek. Unless you're needing the money hang onto that thing.

Every day its' value goes up.....

I sold a Lightning Link that sat in a safe and I've kicked myself ever since.
Thanks for the links and the names, guys. I appreciate the advice to hang onto it, but it is somewhat of a white elephant. It surprised me that I'd have so many fewer places to shoot it here in the country than when I lived in the city, but that is true.
RE some pms I'm starting to get.

This thread is not an offer to sell anything. I'm only thinking about selling to a Class III dealer in my home state and then maybe maybe not depending upon a lot of ifs and maybes. :o
Whew, get used to that. Whenever i would post a question asking for value of a gun, I get about 75% offers. Or more likely - "I'm interested, let me know what you are asking."

Of course the whole point in the first place was me NOT knowing what the value was, and here are a bunch of guys ready to cherry-pick, hoping that you part with it cheap. Granted, it's nothing under-handed but it did nothing to answer the orignal question.

I am very impressed that you got a nice selection of credible answers. I can definitely vouch for the Bowers people - good info all around.

Good luck with your decision, if you do sell, dont beat yourself up over it later. I was coerced into selling some of my dad's stuff right after he passed away and it embarasses me what I sold it for and what the real value was. Hindsight is always 20/20. Enjoy life.
Dear M&M

You may not have to go through a C3 dealer, depending on your state laws. If the buyer is in your state, you and he can execute a form 4 and do the transfer without a C3 dealer. Again, depending on state law.

That will put several hundred bucks more into your pocket and/or may save the buyer a piece of change.

Good luck, regardless of your chosen route.

Depending the state you are in, I would find a buyer first and then see what has to be done to get it transfered.