tips on hunting


well im from Minnesota and i was wondering if anyone had tips on getting started in hunting i think im going to start hunting small game this year and work up is that a good route see if i like hunting?
Learn to shoot well and learn where to hit the animal to kill it quickly. The most successful hunters I know are the best shots i know too.
Spend more time observing your quarry rather than shooting the first one you see. Learning the habits and behavior will make you more successful down the road. Learn to be patient, patience is also the key to success.
This book has been helpful to me. Check amazon.


I'll tell you the same thing I tell everyone else that asks that question. The absolutely best way to learn is with a mentor. Yes, you can read and learn on your own but not nearly as fast as watching someone experienced.

As to game to start on - Every one of the skills you need to hunt deer except one can be learned by hunting squirrels. The only additional skill that deer hunting needs is scent control.
I'll second Doyle. Squirrel is the place to start. Just not much different from deer hunting cept more game and cheaper guns/ammo.
Definitely start with squirrel. If you become a proficient squirrel hunter you'll be a proficient deer hunter once you learn how to control your scent. Afterwards move on to bird hunting for more dynamic hunting.
Hunting small game such as rabbits will also teach you the art of spoting game. You will learn that animals can be in plain sight, yet go unseen. With practice you will be able to spot an animal that is partially hidden from just an ear, or an eye, or the curve of the back. This skill will transfer from small game to large, making you a better hunter. Hunting small game will also bring you early success which will help later on when more patience is required on big game.
Doyle is spot on with the advice on squirrel hunting.

Been hunting for 40 plus years and still start my hunting seasons out with trips in the woods in pursuit of the 'bushy-tail'.
Helps with patience and is especially helpful in practicing the art of slipping through the woods silently and using natural terrain(hills,tree's,bush's etc.) to stay as hidden as possible.
little more of background i have been doing 4H shooting sports for 3 years i go to range twice a week once for shotgun and thurs is muzzleloaders,archery and target .22
I also agree with Doyle on this one. Hunting with a mentor is the best way to learn and, since you live in Minnesota, hunting squirrel is a great way to start. The best of luck to ya.
In that case Chevy. you likely have all the tools/marksmanship you'll need to shoot squirrels & rabbits. Did you say "shotgun"? You might also take advantage of your states defining terrain feature and go duck hunting. Neighboring South Dakota is the Pheasant capital of the world, and I'm betting southern MN has more than a few. (My Dad and others actually were shooting them as PESTS at one time in MN! PESTS! Can you believe it?!)

If you can shoot small bore rifles accurately, and you're not bothered by a shotgun's recoil, it follows that a light deer rifle would not bother you either. (Perhaps a .243:( or .257Roberts:D [either is good]) Get tips on sighting in from the bench, then practice, practice, practice, from field positions. From a given position, as far away as you can keep 9 of 10 shots on a paper plate, that is your maximum range on a stationary deer from that position.

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: If at all possible, find a MENTOR. Make sure it is one who does not consume alcohol while he is hunting. I've been around "Beer 'Hunters'", they are not what you want to learn from. Find that guy who seems to fill his tags every year. Failing that, there is books or lastly the errornet.
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If you can't find a mentor, then just go. Nothing teaches better than experience and you won't get experience if you are sitting at home on the couch. You don't even need to take a gun, take camera and observe. Learn the little things like scent control, reading the wind, slow movements, silence etc. It'll pay dividends later on.