
Old Dragoon

New member
What did you find out atr the Doc's Hope you asre on the way healin' up Pard
We've missed your posts and sense of humor.
Hang inthere and Merry Christmas.
The reconstruction surgery was the 13 of December for
my shoulder and upper left arm. The wrist and hand,
they said that they would wait and see about that later.
They told me that it would have been better if I had not
waited 52 days to get it fixed, yea like that was my idea
to just let my arm dangle by the flesh for 52 days.

Anyway the surgery went well the only complication was
a stroke in my right side. I guess that if you are going to
have a stroke the hospital is the best place to do it.

Anyhow I made it home for Christmas. I have a long way
to go to full recovery but I am doing a lot better.

My wife got me a Cimarron Arms Model "P" Jr.
You know for rehabilitation.

Have a great new year.
That sure is a nice Recoup Gift. It'll help keep your mind off the healing process. We're all still here, been quiet for a couple days what with Christmas and all but it'll be back to par soon.
Rest and heal up if you have the western channel on the tube you can replay your youth with Gene and the Duke and maybe Tom Selleck with your "P" jr,...just don't try to ride the arm off the couch. Mom's and Wives get a little testy when you do that. I think I ruined two couches that way when I was a kid. Finally mom gave me my very own old overstuffed chair to ride the arms off.
Old Dragoon, the TV suggestion was a good one, except that if Tinker2 wants to relive his youth he has to watch The Flintstones. (sorry Tink, but I just couldn't resist that one)
Tinker, Just do what the Doc tells and heal right. It sure wont be easy, been there.
Here are the numbers for the Parts kits at Cabelas that we talked about on the other site.

Remington .44 sa-214052-885

Colt .36 sa-214052-884

The last couple of times that I was at your place when
you had a new gun, it would take 8 to 9 times to get it
to go off.

Why do you use SixForSure as a log on name?
Wouldn’t Maybe eight or nine be more appropriate,
Relevant, applicable ?
I could have resist that one but I am weak.

Remington kid
Thanks for the parts #

I do what the Doc tells me plus I am trained to do
whatever the wife tells me too.