Tin Can Execution with Extreme Prejudice: Hi Point vs Walther P22


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I finally got a chance to get out to the range and practice my accuracy with pistols. I had with me my Glock 22/17, the infamous Hi Point .45 JHP, and the Walther P22. I decided to put the Hi Point up against the Walther, believing in good faith that the P22 would trounce the Hi Point. Boy was I wrong. And yes, I did clean up after myself.

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As bad as the hi points seem to be i do know two people who own and have owned one..and both have said the same never any problems..i personally stay away from them as idi rather spend the extrat 200 or so on a trusted maufacturer but for the most part i have heard they are suprisingly reliable pistols for such a low price.
Owning both a Hi-Point (C9), and a P22 your results aren't a surprise. The little Walther, While being accurate enough for practice at 10 yards, isn't near as accurate as my Hi-Point. I can only reference the 9MM version, but te 45 looks like a great shooter as well. I'm sure one will find space in my safe one of these days. :D
As bad as the hi points seem to be i do know two people who own and have owned one..and both have said the same never any problems..

They are not as bad as they are made to sound by those who have never owned one. Reliable, accurate, and nearly indistructable as seen in the series of High-Point tourture test youtube videos.
As far as being a " trusted maufacturer", High-Point has a no questions asked lifetime guarantee, and excellrnt customer service. So don't be surprised in their accuracy, and reliability at any price. :D
Ah, Hi-Points... The LGS I worked at for years sold the crap out of those little guns. Every time we'd get them in the sold out fast. A lot of people bough them as vehicle beater guns, or were first time owners. I always thought of those Hi-Points as the ugly red-headed bastard step kids of the gun world. Still we hardly ever shipped them back for service for our customers, and I don't recall any complaints about their operation. When we shut down the 9's were running about 110 and the .45's at around 130 with the 995's somewhere around 160-170. If you ask me, they are definitely one of the best bang for you buck guns. I honestly wouldn't mind having one someday for a fun gun...

As for the little Walther, well my feelings are mixed and from all I've ever seen it's hit or miss with the little buggers, still I do like them as well, but they sure wouldn't be much more than a fun plinker.
As for the little Walther, well my feelings are mixed and from all I've ever seen it's hit or miss with the little buggers, still I do like them as well, but they sure wouldn't be much more than a fun plinker.
That's exactly what they are. They do a good job in that roll. When Ruger came out with their improved copy, the SR22, they did get a few things better. But already owning a Walther , not better enough to warrent replacing the P22.