Timney trigger for MKII?

k in AR

New member
Has anyone tried the "drop-in" adjustable trigger that Timney has out for the Ruger M77 MKII ??

How does it work?
** I'm sure anything would be better than the factory trigger, but I'm looking for a great trigger!

I also see a Moyers trigger in the Brownells catalog, any info or opinions on it as well?

Thanks, k
We have been installing Timney triggers in Rugers ever since they started that "lawsuit" trigger job. They are as good, or better than most. I own no Rugers, but if I did, Timney is my choice!

* if you install it yourself... MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE SAFETY WORKING PROPERLY!*


Yeah, I put one on my Mk II and like it. It's real easy. The only "machining" is carefully grinding off a little material for the fit of the safety. Got within a few thousandths via a bench grinder; finished up with a stone.

Regards, Art
Ditto to Art's comments. I've installed two with no problems, and with an excellent,crisp pull.

I use a coarse sanding disc on a Foredom flex-shaft machine to do the requisite fine-tuning of the safety.