Time to turn in the C&R?

Onward Allusion

New member
With the craziness of a looming hardcore AWB and hints of the Administration issuing EO's as a means of gun control, does it still make sense to have a C&R License?

Does the C&R put you on the radar of the ATF? What if gawd forbid there comes some form of national database? Could just having a C&R do away with your 4th Amendment rights and allow the ATF to perform a search of your home for register-able or (worst case) confiscate-able firearms?
As of this time, I don't think anyone except Sen. Feinstein knows what will be in the proposed law. One idea floating around is bringing ALL semi-auto rifles, semi-auto shotguns and pump shotguns, as well as all pump and lever action rifles and "assault pistols" under the NFA with either a total ban on transfers or transfers under the NFA rules. Another is to bring ALL firearms under the NFA, even muzzle loaders and antiques; I doubt that would pass but in the current insanity no one knows.

All we can do is wait and see, but the anti-gun forces have been after the C&R category for years because it bypasses some local edicts by anti-gun mayors and police chiefs who want to know the location of every gun in "their" locality.

Under the current C&R rules there is nothing to be concerned about. If there was a change in the offing, I believe you would have plenty of time to decide if you wanted to continue or not............he said hopefully.
Since we got our C&R licenses through ATF I think they already know about us. Now throw in buying case quantities of ammo and I think that's just icing on the cake. Besides the rulers would just love for us to be armed with Nagants and Enfields, lol.
If you have concerns that if someone takes a closer look at what you are doing that you might have a problem, then yes, maybe you should be worried. Otherwise, I think the ATF has enough on their plate with legitimate concerns. Personally, I hope they use the C&R as a guideline. Just like getting pre approved for a mortgage before you go house hunting. Have whatever background checks deemed necessary done and then when you go to a gun show or LGS you show your license and some form of ID and buy what you want. You get a fairly simple background check for a C&R, a fairly extensive one for NFAs so why not come up with one for everything in-between?
If you have concerns that if someone takes a closer look at what you are doing that you might have a problem, then yes, maybe you should be worried. Otherwise, I think the ATF has enough on their plate with legitimate concerns. Personally, I hope they use the C&R as a guideline. Just like getting pre approved for a mortgage before you go house hunting. Have whatever background checks deemed necessary done and then when you go to a gun show or LGS you show your license and some form of ID and buy what you want. You get a fairly simple background check for a C&R, a fairly extensive one for NFAs so why not come up with one for everything in-between?

No, I am not concern about having a C&R currently as I maintain good records and also backup in the Cloud. However, I am concerned with a possible AWB. I am even more concerned with a new AWB that doesn't include grandfathering and possibly has registration or outright confiscation built into the new law.

You and I may agree that having a C&R is like having a pre-approval for a mortgage and that we are up-standing citizens, but the winds of change are upon us and what is currently legal may not be tomorrow.

I guess if an outright confiscation of a broad grouping of "assault weapons" take place, we all have more things to worry about than a new AWB.
Exactly how would turning in your C&R benefit you?

Doesn't having a C&R allow one to be audited? Also, isn't one in a C&R database? But, I'm starting to get the impression that once in the DB, you're in and getting rid of it doesn't do anything or does it?
There is far too little known to make a big decision such as that at this time. I have a feeling any measure that passes the Republican controlled house will be a more insignificant one than people realize. If the C&R hurt to have in these times, in some sense, by you already having it, you hurt yourself. Of course I have one and I don't buy in to any of the non-sense of how it could be better to give up due to the times.
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Paranoid reaction. If you are worried about being "on their radar" it's too late. But It isn't really a serious concern. Not If you have a properly kept bound book, and have been doing everything legally.
As far as any audit, that would be only on your C&R collection. Nothing else without the same search warrent that would be needed FFL or not. BATF audits of Class 03 license holders are seldom done unless the BATF suspects something illegal is being done.
Not to say that all this couldn't change, but for now It's not being talked about. Even by the most active gun grabbers. They probably don't even know what a Collector of Curio and Relic FFL is. Let's hope It stays that way.
Since I don't have any C&R AW to Ban, I'm not really concerned about being "known".
I guess the only perceived benefit would be that if you resign the C&R, you will no longer have to keep all those records you have so carefully maintained.
Screwed, blued and tattooed

Between the Army, govt. work, various licenses and certifications....the G-boys pretty much know who we are, where we are, what we own, etc. It's ALMOST impossible to live "off the grid" today. :eek:
Time to dump C&R

Have had a C&R for 9yrs now. Have not purchased a gun in 4yrs. Wanted to buy a couple of pistols like one from Aim Arms was told by Aim can't ship to you your in NYS. This was before the new gun laws. Was at an auction not long ago. They had many C&R pistols there. The owner said he needs FFL1
never heard of a C&R. Showed him a copy of my lic. didn't matter. If I got to pay for the C&R & can't use it who needs it. You would be surprised to find out how many dealers have never heard of a c&R lic. What are the laws Fed or State?

If you have a C & R license you should know the laws. The C & R license (FFL03) is a federal license that applies to interstate transactions. It does not apply to intrastate; that is, within a state; I'm in Maryland-- for a purchase in Maryland, I still have to abide by Maryland laws, i.e. 7 days wait, paperwork, approved gun lists, etc.

You still have to abide by NYS laws for purchases within NYS as I do for purchases within Maryland. That's why I purchase all my C & R guns online from non-Maryland licensees or go to Pa, Va, Del. etc.

As well, dealers have no obligation to honor a FFL03. Many claim ignorance to avoid having to deal with it.
Maybe "looming" to Mr. Obama...

Another AWB?

Even Harry Reid has stated it is doubtful anything will be done in the Senate...let alone the House where it wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell.

You guys gotta get out of panic mode already. By no means sit back and be complacent- contact your representatives (Ruger.com)- but jeez, some of you seem to forget there's three branches of government for a reason.
I'm just taking a stab in the dark here, but I'd say that if the current administration was able to engineer some sort of ban, it would have to increase the staffing of the ATF to something approaching the size of the Army to proactively enforce it.

Remember, the ATF isn't a particularly large bureau and they deal with more than just guns. As an anecdotal note, I inherited an old Colt New Army/Navy revolver a few years back that my great grandfather got in some sort of trade. Somebody had filed off the serial number before he got it. I called the local ATF office and asked if it was something that I should be concerned about. The agent actually laughed. He said that something like that was so low on their priority list that they'd have to have solved every case that they'd ever had and maybe even discovered world peace before they'd even give a thought to looking into it. At least around here, they're busy as all get-out now without taking on any fresh duties.
Maybe "looming" to Mr. Obama...

Another AWB?

Even Harry Reid has stated it is doubtful anything will be done in the Senate...let alone the House where it wouldn't stand a snowball's chance in hell.

You guys gotta get out of panic mode already. By no means sit back and be complacent- contact your representatives (Ruger.com)- but jeez, some of you seem to forget there's three branches of government for a reason.

Well-stated. Gridlock and contrarianism in our government is not only good, but was designed into it by the Founding Fathers.

The anti-gun media present the passage of some gun legislation as a fait accompli so those less-informed will just go along with it thinking they have no choice.

The only way the AWB of 1994 was passed was because of the sunset provision.
It's a shame, regardless of party affiliation (if any), that ANY political "party" or viewpoint is painted by the others (and more often than not, validated by the MEDIA) as "Obstructionist" or "Obstructionism"...

As you point out, our Founding Fathers INTENDED for our political system to work in this way. Republicans hold the majority in the House because the voters intended it to be that way- not because of a "coin-flip" where they're just supposed to say "OK, Mr. President, whatever you want""...

When we have the national media picking and choosing, which news they want us to know about, and it's presented as an editorial- and not as fact, we have a VERY BIG problem...and it seems to be getting "progressively" worse.

But I know I'm largely preaching to the choir, here.