Time To Step Up & Be Heard!!!

Cheap 870

I think it's time for American Gun Manufactures to finally stand up and "PUBLICLY" support The Second Amendment! And show their backing of the NRA. By public I'm not talking about an advertisement on the outdoor channel or in a magazine. I'm talking about going on National TV with some statements or interviews.
It's time because if the American Citizen looses so does the American Manufacture!

It wouldn't hurt if some celebrities would speak out all so.
I now hunting & shooting are important to alot of NASCAR drivers, NFL players, MLB players & movie stars.
I think that's a terrible idea. Having huge gun manufacturing corporations advertise right now, even under the guise of the Second Amendment, would add fuel to the anti-gun movement. Since the shameful actions of some corporations a few years back, remember the loaning banks, Wall Street Investment Firms etc.) many Americans now look at corporations as greedy machines out only for the profit dollar that ship American jobs over seas and reposess average American's homes. I am not saying it's true for most large companies but corporate image at this time is in the tank. The Anti's would just say that the cruel corporations place profits above the lives of small childern. This is a slippery slope once taken and laying low for a short time might be best. This is just my opinion and I'm sure others will dissagree.
I'm thinking the exact opposite TexasG19
We need as much public support as we can get.
99.99% of the media coverage is against, we need fors!
What we need are commercials showing a young scared college girl defending herself from an armed rapist with a gun... and then a slick motto something like, The 2nd Amendment defends the weak, stops the evil.
If an athelete spoke up for our second admendment rights he, she, could propably kiss away any contract for sports related items. There are to many finacial risks for a company to take with a spokes person taking sides with an issue as big as gun rights.

One example is Hank JR and his comments and fox taking his song off Monday night football.:o
Probably an imperfect analogy but I think it would be like Jack Daniel's publicly opposing the raising of the drinking age to 25 or some such. Their public support is not going to help the cause in my opinion. I certainly hope they are all privately supportive.
I think law enforcement needs to be heard, but I don't think they will get any air time.

I decided to get a conceal carry license when the fourth LEO encouraged me to do so. (all different agencies and separate occasions)

Most officers support the armed law abiding citizen.
I think movie stars and singers would have a better chance of reaching people. I like Uncle Ted but he is not what we need. Mr Norris, Pitt,Jolie and the like. People who are big names. Who people follow everyday I agree we need commercials that show why we need gun like the armed citizen articles in the NRA magazine. People need to rehear the stories from people in heir areas that were saved . Like in Oklahoma 2 women ( different shootings ) were saved . One was featured on Panic 911 (Donna Jackson ). She was told go hide and she said no she had a big gun and was not going to hide in a small room .And then she uttered those famous wonderful words "I don't want to have to kill this man but I'll kill him graveyard dead".
When the entire premise of the issue entails whether it's about guns or not, the LAST thing we need is for the makers of such firearms to stick their necks out on the chopping block. They've done plenty enough doing what they're doing now. Let the individual, be it John Q. or a movie star, be the voice in the public eye.