Time to hunt


New member
Working guys: how do you make time to hunt?
Is anyone else restricted to weekend hunting like I am?
Do you take time off from work, have flexible scheduling,etc?
Do you plan your hunts months in advance, and go on long hunting trips, or make weeked pilgrimmages?

This is driving me nuts-I'm required to be at work from mid November-early December. Deer season is pretty much a 1-2 day proposition for me every year! Same goes for early fall turkey, but I usually manage to get one anyway...

For you retired guys-no rubbing our noses in it!
I have to work during hunting season and have to work overtime too. But I try to get out after work for a couple of hours. And on weekends. The only weekdays I can hunt all day are Thanksgiving and the week after. You should of seen me opening day. I had to drive bus and before I left to drive I changed into my hunting clothes driving a school bus. But I got to go out for about 2 hrs with my father and had a great time and just missed seeing a big 8 pointer and my old man got a doe. I guess do what ever you have to do to get out there.

My old man takes all of opening week off(he is my boss) every year. The three mechanics alternate taking opening day off every year. Unfortantly this isn't my year:(
I have three weeks of vacation each year. I take one of them for elk/deer. I generally know when the seasons are in Colorado by
April. I simply shecdule that week for the season I'm guessing is gonna be the most productive. Other than that, bird hunting is
done on weekends.
I try to save alot of my vacation for deer season. For the last two years I have taken off the whole month of November. Man I tell you it has been nice and it makes me look forward to that 25 year retirement. Some people say you get bored after retirement but I think I can stay happy fishing and hunting. I do feel fortunate to be able to take off for hunting season and feel bad for those that can't. Happy hunting and enjoy your time off. :)
I work twelve hour shifts, so that means three and four day weekends. That's usually enough, but I always plan at least one big hunt and take a few days vacation time too. a lot can be cond in ten or twelve days. We had one guy this last year that took the entire month of October off! :cool: