Time & $$ to help the RKBA - what to do?

Jeff Thomas

New member
Friends, I am fast approaching 'graduation'. I'm a fortunate fellow. I've been with my company for over ten years now, helped build it into a major private firm, assisted in our sale to a public company, and now ... most of my management job has been exported to corporate HQ. So, it is likely I will soon receive some severance, a thank you, and a goodbye.

The only likely alternative is an offer for a similar or better position at similar compensation, elsewhere in the country. The snow belt, I presume. I'll probably have to pass on that offer, if it even materializes. I 'served' nine years in Buffalo. ;)

I'm wondering if there is anything significant I could do in this time period to help the RKBA? I will likely be able to spend one to three months working on home projects, reading, shooting, hiking / hunting / camping, but also perhaps a project for the RKBA.

I considered hiking across Arizona in support of the RKBA. Wearing and distributing distinctive t-shirts, speaking to people, distributing literature and so on. Perhaps carrying various guns along the way. A 'black rifle' today, a revolver and lever action rifle next week, and so on. I could have a charity feature by collecting funds per mile and giving them to a children's group. Perhaps I can gather others to hike with me for various sections. In other words, run the project professionally, and get as much good out of it as possible. The exercise wouldn't hurt either, and the timing is right regarding temperatures.

Most of my friends indicate this will simply look nuts.

So, please tell me your thoughts. And, if this idea is nuts (I certainly agree it is off the wall and different), then ... what?

Unusual request and circumstances, I know. But, the TFL community has been my collective mentor regarding firearms - perhaps I can return the favor at this unusual time of my life.

Friends, thank you. Regards from AZ.
Hey you could ride one of those drivable lawnmowers across the state, that other guy that did it raised alot of money. Just an odd thought! ;)

I am now an NRA member! :)
What if a person who was good with kids, got together with a firing range that understood where future clients come from and, together, they started a firearms school for youngsters?

I don't mean Thunder Ranch. Something more similar to what the Scouts would do. In fact, maybe you could ally yourself with the Scouts!

Teach not only firearms safety, but also relevant American history, firearms history, camping skills and more. Surely someone out there knows more about something like this than I do.

Make it mostly like a summer camp with more than average firearms training.

If it were cheap enough, folks like me would have sent their kids there for a couple weeks.

Yuppies might "dump" their kids there like they do at tennis resorts. (This I have witnessed!!)

You could have programs of varying time periods, programs for different age groups, etc.

Maybe big ranges like Thunder Ranch, Gunsite, etc. could donate instructors, equipment or other resources? After all, their future depends upon future firearms enthusiasts.

Seems to me this might be a good project for a bored but dedicated Second Amendment advocate who has the resources and contacts to make it work, especially if he (or she) could attract the assistance of some big name entertainment people.

And what a sharp stick in the eye this would be to Sarah Brady! ;)

Maybe it would work, you know,

for the children.
Miss D, Dennis - thanks for the thoughts. I have to admit, the lawnmower concept doesn't 'move' me [or, is that 'mow' me? ;) ]. The school concept is longer term than I was picturing - but, perhaps I can work on gaining some NRA certifications during my available time.

And, based upon the remaining lack of response, I gather the tally is heavily in favor of 'yes, that's nuts'. ;)
I love Dennis's idea, setting up some kind of camp for the children where they not only learn to shoot and firearms safety but American heratige.

Could the NRA help is getting somthing like this off the ground, as I'm sure the initial expences would be rather high.
I like the idea of the NRA certs ...they are "mobile" and can be used whereever you end up. Training and certs..thats the ticket!

Guys, he isn't staying put...he'll be leaving soon.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
... He'll be leaving soon. And looking for work in the snow belt? Yuck! :(

Why not approach a firearms school with an idea to secure THEIR future?

Jeez, Jeff. Maybe you would be able to open an unused area at one of the big-time firearms training schools.

Arizona is warm, has decent gun laws, etc..... ;)

?? $ 0.02 ??

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited October 27, 1999).]
Dennis, I'm leaving the job, not Arizona. My heart is connected to Arizona, quite firmly. ;)

You're getting into my next question, but it is certainly related. What next? I suspect firearms will remain an 'avocation'. But, if at all possible I want my next opportunity to involve equity / ownership. I've seen how it's done - now I want to make sure I'm on more of the receiving end of the value I'll create in the next business.

So, in the near term I'll be looking to change my pace and do some things a working stiff (like me) couldn't do before. And then, I need to find my next job / business or whatever. Perhaps they are ultimately related, we'll see.

Why don't you file a lawsuit against the Fed Govt. to get rid of the Assault Weapons Ban. It doesn;t cost must initially and a lawyer would come forward to do it pro-bono once you got it started. It would just take time and research. If we had 100 such suits all going at the same time, we would win one or two of them. That's what the anti's are doing - we aren't we doing it too? Flood the system with lawsuits!!
Not to flail a dead horse (I understand the term "avocation"), but a camp/school for children would be a business. The technical experts (at least at the level you would require) are a commodity - to be bought and sold as you were (and as I was).

If I had the money and backing, I would start such a school by hedging my investment in the school - leasing resources rather than buying, etc.

I would try to get known personalities to lend their name (probably JUST their name) to the venture. There would be many 'carrots' available both to the personalities and to the parents of the children.

But, I understand, if this is not an interesting venture then, regretably, it isn't a venture for you.

Thanks for considering it.
Dennis, the school is a fine idea. However, most of the folks I've met in the world are probably more patient with children than I am. I love my kids, but if I told my wife I was going to open a school she would call the men in the white coats ... ;)