Time to bury the guns?

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New member
Anyone else depressed?

I have to say, this next election seems like its only a few hair brained bills away from seeing guns being banned all together.

I've heard dealers using it as a selling line, "buy it before its made illegal," but how true does everyone think that is?

All the options on the table are liberals, and how easy now days do you think it would be to pass any sort of gun ban?

I remember people saying a while ago that "they" would try to go for the ammo, like if a bullet costs $50 each people can't afford to shoot it. And now ammo prices are getting out of control, I know there are economical reasons for it, but I wondered.
Might be time to use em. Remember, the idea of the right to bear arms was to stop oppressive government from passing over bearing, illegal arms, and, illegal taxes. Read a bit about the American Revolution, and, why they revolted. Founding Fathers could see 200 years ahead, couldn't they?

Why do you think politicians want guns out of the hands of the people they are stealing from?
I just love the talk of revolution, interpretations of the founding fathers intentions, and cute sayings. It makes people feel empowered. Then they do nothing, over and over again.

Sharps, every election is only a few brain cells from banning guns, depending on your views.

Those who think that if it is time time bury guns that it is time to unbury them haven't a clue as to stockpiling and timing.

You seem to think that you are awefully smart and that most everyone else is pretty ignorant...so why don't you enlighten us? Tell us about stockpiling and timing? When is the right time to violently (if need be) stand up for our rights? How are we to know when is the right moment and that we haven't either moved to soon..or waited too long?
I've heard dealers using it as a selling line, "buy it before its made illegal," but how true does everyone think that is?
When I lived in California, it was 100.000% true, on a number of occasions.
Might be time to use em. Remember, the idea of the right to bear arms was to stop oppressive government from passing over bearing, illegal arms, and, illegal taxes. Read a bit about the American Revolution, and, why they revolted. Founding Fathers could see 200 years ahead, couldn't they?

So are you suggesting an armed insurgency against the US Government?

If so what part exactly are we going to launch our offensive against? The neatest military post (which would prob be safe since they never trust us with bullets anyway :rolleyes:), National Guard Armory, IRS office, Post Office (I think I'd support taking over my local PO & tar & feathering the idiots who work there), DC, etc, etc?

Furthermore who has the legitimacy to lead/command this expedition so that it doesn't fall apart into bickering about whether their the "United People's Front of the USA" or the "People's Front of the USA" or the "USA People's Front"?
It is NEVER time to bury them.

If it is time to bury them, it is time to UNBURY them.

There might be a time to bury half of them. (think about it)

Some of y'all might need to read about asymmetrical warfare. That's all I'm saying. I don't want big brother to start thinking I'm a terr'rist, cuz I'm not.
So are you suggesting an armed insurgency against the US Government?

If so what part exactly are we going to launch our offensive against? The neatest military post (which would prob be safe since they never trust us with bullets anyway ), National Guard Armory, IRS office, Post Office (I think I'd support taking over my local PO & tar & feathering the idiots who work there), DC, etc, etc?

Furthermore who has the legitimacy to lead/command this expedition so that it doesn't fall apart into bickering about whether their the "United People's Front of the USA" or the "People's Front of the USA" or the "USA People's Front"?

I'm not endorsing these actions by any stretch, but if I were to exercise my first amendment right of speech and assembly to discuss how the 2A still helps us theoretically to overthrow a repressive government:

I would suppose that the best way to send a rebellious message to the idgits in DC, would be to occupy, evacuate and burn to the ground the offices of Senators/Congressmen who voted for a particularly unfavorable bill.

Perhaps laying seige to the nearest FBI/ATF/DEA/DHS office? This would take considerable coordination on the parts of several dozen or hundreds of lay citizens, and probably require assistance from the local PD or Sherriff's office (or even the nearest military base), but possible.

Shut down, evacuate and burn all federal buildings in your state. Proceed eastward towards DC, meeting up with more resistance fighters until you make it to DC. Clean out the federal offices forcibly of anyone who is stupid enough to still be present.

Head back home and have new elections.

Or, in stead of all of that, just have new elections and get rid of your incumbent.
Unfortunately, elections are virtually worthless in many cases as the deck is ridiculously stacked in favor of the incumbents.
Shut down, evacuate and burn all federal buildings in your state. Proceed eastward towards DC, meeting up with more resistance fighters until you make it to DC. Clean out the federal offices forcibly of anyone who is stupid enough to still be present.

Geeze, and here I am a Federal Government employee. :D

And I thought I was such a strong supporter of the RKBA too.

Rest assured that I'll be heavily armed when you come to tar and feather me for my henious activites such as, err... what were those henious activities us non-LEO Federal worker bees are responsible for again?

I laugh every time someone goes on about how eeeevil the Federal workers are. The vast majority are hard workers (yes they really are), church goers, and generally decent people who have nothing at all to do with any controversy involving RKBA.

Going to burn down the National Institutes of Health are you? How about the USDA? National Park Service Headquarters?

Drive us out? All 1.2 million of us here in the DC Metro area? Keep dreaming. :D

Talk about painting with a broad brush...
Cool Hand Luke:

I'm not advocating any such action, just pointing out to naysayers that the 2A is still an effective tool in the event that government overthrow becomes necessary at some vague point down the road further.

The FedGov is only as effective as the Executive branch of its government. If you de-populate it either via arms or fear of arms, the FedGov shuts down.

You can then re-populate it as is needed.

I'm not itching to go and storm the local FBI office, I assure you. And I've got nothing in particular against the CDC or the National Forest Service. :)
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Going to burn down the National Institutes of Health are you? How about the USDA? National Park Service Headquarters?
And where is the Constitutional authority for the NIH?

How does a park square with the authority to purchase land "for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings?"

At least the USDA has passing relation to the regulation of interstate commerce, to the small extent that it does so. But is competing with private insurers "regulation of interstate commerce?" How about competing with private food charities? Or with private marketing and advertising firms?

Maybe the pitchfork-wielding mob won't burn them down - just privatize them or return them to control of the states.

If I were a federal employee, and my job fell outside the Article I Section 8 powers of the Federal government, I'd take a serious look at how much of my principles I'd be willing to sacrifice in exchange for a paycheck and retirement funded by the honest, productive labor of hard-working American families struggling to pay for $3.50 gasoline.
If I were a federal employee, and my job fell outside the Article I Section 8 powers of the Federal government, I'd take a serious look at how much of my principles I'd be willing to sacrifice in exchange for a paycheck and retirement funded by the honest, productive labor of hard-working American families struggling to pay for $3.50 gasoline.

"Sorry Kids, no food on the table for you tonight and forget Christmas. I quit my job since it's not listed in Article I Section 8". :rolleyes:

I'm not advocating any such action, just pointing out to naysayers that the 2A is still an effective tool in the event that government overthrow becomes necessary at some vague point down the road further

IIRC a bunch of guys with more powerful weapons than American citizens can ever aquire are trying to do just that over in Iraq & Afghanistan. And look how successful its been.

I hate to rain on the revolution, but the idea of a citizen based armed revolt is a little out dated in the face of modern military technology.
I also think the violation of the Constitution by the funding of the NIH is a terrible threat. I regret that the National Eye Institute, part of NIH, helped to fun the education of a young man whose parents didn't graduate high-school (mom grew up in an orphanage funded by the state). I suppose I could have asked Mitt Romney to pay for my post-doc or Adolph Coors. It's a shame that we were working on research to prevent blindness in kids.

Sorry, I took that training to be an educator and a scientist - why, I've even educated soldiers and airmen so that they can better themselves. That's a damn unconstitutional shame.
Anyone else think that this thread would make for some lovely quotes and references by the Anti Gun establishment ?

Some things are better left unsaid and certainly not in writing.

Just a thought.
If I were a federal employee, and my job fell outside the Article I Section 8 powers of the Federal government, I'd take a serious look at how much of my principles I'd be willing to sacrifice in exchange for a paycheck and retirement funded by the honest, productive labor of hard-working American families struggling to pay for $3.50 gasoline.

Without getting too specific, I work for a fee-based agency that even Ron Paul agrees is constitutionally based. We operate off of the collection of fees that are the equivalent of Customs duties, and return a good bit more money to the US Treasury than we spend on overhead.

As for the USDA, I think the Commerce Clause authorizes health and safety inspections of food bound for interstate commerce. And the Welfare clause certainly covers food assistance programs.

However, I agree there are blatently unconstitutional Federal agancies: EPA, Dept. of Education, and a great deal of Federal law enforcement activities.

And I pay $3.50 per gallon of gas just like anyone else.
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