Time to boycott Wal-mart???


New member
My partner was in Wal-mart, in uniform, grabbing a bottle of shampoo, after fixing the ATM I think, and was told he could not bring his gun in the store, (all was leagal, no sign up at all)What do ya think??

We covered Wal-marts concealed carry policy back in January in a thread called "Voting with dollars" Use can do a search an read the whole thread.

Basiclly Wal-marts official policy is that ccw holders can carry in their stores as long as the weapon remains concealed. If the gun becomes visable to other shoppers you may be asked to cover it up or leave. The exception for open carry is for LEOs. I see in your profile that you are an armored car guard. If you partner was in uniform, as you say, then I would think he would probably be covered by the LEO exception.

I suggest you go to the original thread and print the official policy and politely confront the store manager with it. Be calm, but firm.

The problem seems to be with some local store manager who are anti-gun.
I found nothing in the search, and will be going to Wal-mart 1477 on Friday, and I will be nice...

Snoman: What are your state regulations on armed guards carrying? In Texas, an armed security officer may only carry while on duty, only at his assigned duty location, and to and from work. If he stops at a 7-11 to get a coke or use the rest-room while either on his way home or to work or while on break, and he is carrying, he is in violation.

I know a couple of Dallas LEO's who have arrested security officers for UCW in stores, but that is the exception, not the rule.
In Minnesota, it all depends on how the permit is worded, they are all different, and I looked at his before I said a thing, it is leagel to carry as long as he works for the company, anytime...

D.C.- Thanks for the link, wish I knew how to do that.

After reading the official W-M policy, I don't think it is all that bad. I'm going to make a copy just in case I ever have a problem with a W-M employee over the issue. Here in GA there is no provision in the ccw law to allow a store to prohibit ccw's, but I suppose if the store manager really hates guns, they could find another pretext to keep you out.

We used to go just across the N.C. line to a Pizza Hut quite often until they put up a sign prohibiting concealed weapons. They are allowed to do that in N.C. Even though my GA ccw isn't honored in N.C., I don't patronize Pizza Hut any more just on principle. Pepsi owns PH, and I understand they are anti-gun as a company policy. In fact if you give Target your business over W-M, Target is owned by the Dayton-Hudson Corp, one of the most anti-gun businesses in the U.S., and one of the biggest contributors to HCI. Same with Levi Strauss, they sell millions of Levi's to gun owners, then contribute tons of money to Sarah B. (I wear Wranglers) If you buy a truck with a Cummins diesel engine, you make an indirect contribution to Sarah & Jim also. I once tried to buy a gun magazine (the kind you read) at a Target in FL, but was told they didn't allow them on their rack. Don't know about K-Mart, they do sell guns and ammo though.

So many anti-gun companies, don't know if we can boycott them all and still buy anything.
Read the FAQ and it will show you how, it is very simple.

As for boycotts, yes there are many anti-gun companies. I would suggest focusing on one at a time and publicize the boycott...they may get extra business temporarily from anti-gunners, but if publicity is maintained and they have to spend time on PR, they will fold or modify their position, especially if they don't have much competing business in their area. The store manager is accountable if sales fall and they are always reviewed a few times per year by the head office. For that matter, lots of negative publicity will get him in trouble.
The trick we have to learn and take to heart is the same one our opponents use: a focused concerted effort on one target. Resolve this one and then take on the next.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
When I was doing Fugitive Recovery work in VA I carried open, and went into a couple different WalMarts, late at night, 1:30 am and during the day...
Only ONCE was I even looked at, by a Henrico Police officer - and he just wanted to chat. Asked about my team and what not. There was no "problem" with it...

"I got a bad feeling about this..."
Ed, I was going to email you this but it wasn't up there. I went to Levi Strauss' web page and rambled a while. I did not know that they were anti gun, they know that I know now! Those Bavarians like to confiscate guns don't they! I don't think Mr. Strauss was ever a painter though, he was a feather merchant.
Good shooting Hank

Here is a little more fuel to be added to the fire, since Wal-Mart is being addressed for their so called "policies" on firearms I thought I would share one of my experiences with the company.
My fiance and I frequent a local Wal-Mart here in CT quite often; point being, we are not "strange faces." Every time I go in I make sure to swing by the sporting goods department to check out the selection of firearms and prices on ammo. They have had some pretty good "deals."
This particular day I could not pass up a deal on a Remington model 700 30-06. I took a quick look at the rifle and decided to buy it. I presented the sales clerk my permit to carry and he began to fill out all of the paperwork for the sale of a firearm. After the paperwork work was completed and the rifle had been paid for I was told we were just waiting for a manager. No big deal, they probably just need to verify the paperwork.
After a few minutes the manager, a young woman, approached me and asked me where I was parked. I told her my car was on the side of the building. She said, "good, then I can let you out this door." As she began to "escort" me(6'1",215lb. male) to a door at the side of the building she explained to me that it was now their policy to walk a customer out of the building after they had purchased a firearm. She told me the reason for this was because a customer recently purchased a firearm and ammo in one of their stores out west, loaded the gun, and used it to "hold up" the store!
Now, if that were my intention, couldn't I just load the gun and walk back in through the front door? Or even still, how about if I decided to rob the place, could a petite female stop me from doing so, probably not.
A good policy or not?
Gee Sylvan, I didn't even know you could still buy a gun in CT, much less get a cc permit. I thought they just made 'em there and then shipped them all to GA and TX.

Yeah, the new policy is in efect down here too. I saw a guy buying a .22 rifle in W-M here the other day, and when the call-in was done and all the paper work finished the salesman had to page a manager to come escort the guy out. I thought same as you, what a joke, an unarmed little geek escorting a big strapping guy out so he can't rob the store. Oh well, I guess if it makes them feel better. At least they still sell gunzanammo, unlike Sears, Western Auto, Monkey Ward, and some other stores that once were heavy into gun sales and then got chickens*&% when it became politically incorrect.
Sylvan, the same thing happened to me when a bought a black, practical, tactical Ruger 10/22 assault rifle. ;)

You're just too old-fashioned! Don't waste time looking for the logic in any situation. It's appearances that matter! Now, be honest ... didn't you just feel safer knowing that, with her escort, you wouldn't be tempted, even just a little, to shoot up the sporting goods department?
Speaking of Wal-Mart G&A policies, I am wondering about the after hours ammo purchasing policy. I dont know about every where else, but in my state(MS), Wal-Mart will not sell ammunition of any kind after 10:00 PM. Is this a federal or maybe a state law, or is it just more BS anti-gun rules thought up by the brilliant Wal-Mart folks?
I can't say about MS, but around here its just a case of the guy with the keys has gone home for the night.