Time to ban college football?


New member
The University of Florida beat the University of Tennessee this past weekend. There were some other beatings that were going on this weekend....there were 2 deaths in Gainesville, FL. And while not all of the details have not be released (I will find out), one apparently occured at a pre-game party and one occured while some individuals were attempting to find a post-game party. One death has been ruled a murdered caused by at least one kick to the head and the other apparently died (the death has not been ruled a homicide at this time) due to a beating where head injury appears to be a factor in the death. I was shocked upon learning of these deaths this morning and felt extreme sympathy for both of these individuals families. I feel (yes those of us who believe in the 2nd Admendment feel) that these deaths can only be attributed to the amoral actions of some individuals who have lost all sense of decency. These are bad people. This is why I need a gun. I need to protect myself and my family from these people. If the established government could rid of these people, they're right, I wouldn't need a gun....but then again, they wouldn't mind if I had one. My heart goes out to the families. I'm sorry for Gainesville.

[This message has been edited by ONewman (edited September 20, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by ONewman (edited September 20, 1999).]
FWIW, banning football has been proposed, mostly by fans of "civilized" soccer. I understand that the Violence Policy Center once had it on their "things to ban" list.

I don't doubt it. Football is too confrontational for their taste. The idea of a bunch of guys agreeing to suit up and bash it out to find out who is the toughest doesn't sit well with them. Same for UFC, boxing, Rugby now that it's catching on (worse than football because there are no pads--no one notices the slightly lesser intensity of the hits and speed which compensates.) You're not supposed to hit someone even if they give you every reason, didn't you know that? After all, some dead people wrote down that God wants you to turn the other cheek and take the ass-whipping once, so it must be so.
It would seem that violence is following sports fans these days. Last week in Memphis following the Southern Heritage Classic football game, several thousand fans hit the historic Beale Street district to party a bit. The crowd was shoulder to shoulder when some drunk fired a shot. The resulting panic lead to a stampede which injured about a dozen people, two critical. Also most of the plate glass windows in the various restraunts and bars were shattered.
The next day many of the club owners stated that if the game wasn't moved to another city, next year they would board up their places and close till the crowd went home.
I got nothing against sports, but it seems that the fans need a referee.
We would have to ban hockey, as well.

I have read quotes before from liberals who say they envision us moving from a "competitive" society to one that is "cooperative". What really galls them about sports is not so much the "violence" but that they are doing it to see who is better at it.

Europe is supposed to be more "civilized" than the US because most countries dont' have guns, or heavily restrict them (plus, no capital punishment). Ever seen a soccer riot? "Civilized" my thank-you-very-much.

Lady Justice has been raped, truth assassin;
Rolls of red tape seal your lips, now you're done in;
Their money tips her scales again, make your deal;
Just what is truth? I cannot tell, cannot feel.

The ultimate in vanity
Exploiting their supremacy
I can't believe the things you say
I can't believe, I can't believe the price we pay- nothing can save us
Justice is lost, Justice is raped, Justice is gone
Pulling your strings,Justice is done...
Seeking no truth, winning is all,
Find it so grim, so true, so real....

If it isn't Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!
Just like our "Woodstock '99" thread-- I make a point of staying the heck OUT of these kinds of crowds! The propensity toward a mob mentality is toooo great. Panic kills. Giddiness kills. Anger kills.

I'll catch it on ESPN.

Anyone seen how many countries are turning down world cup soccer? Hooligans.

My first job was videotaping soccer games. The worst brawl I ever saw in my entire life was at the end of a game between two Mexican teams (real Mexicans: one team from TJ, the other from Mexico City). It was nastier than the Rodney Riots. Bleeding fans, bleeding players, one ref (who precipitated the whole hooraw with a bad call) damn near killed.

Not something your average 16-year-old wants to see.

"America needs additional gun laws like a giraffe needs snow tires."
--Rabbi Mermelstein, JPFO
In the early years of the 20th century, there was a movement in the United States to ban college football because several players were killed during games. Instead, the authorities legalized the forward pass to make the game (supposedly) less lethal. Nevertheless, it remains a risky game for the players. Head and neck injuries are especially common. One concussion too many and a man need not worry about anything except who will change his diapers.

As for crowd control issues, I agree with the above remarks about avoiding mobs and large public gatherings, especially when alcohol is served. Nothing good can come of this scene except another riot and injury to yourself. Having lived in Norman, OK (the home of Sooner football) for over five years, I can testify to what 70,000 intoxicated people can do in a short time. It is unfortunate, in my opinion, that people succumb to a herd mentality, but there it is. It is much more wholesome to be sighting in your rifle or wringing out a new pistol at the range.
No offense, because I know you didn't post that to offend me, but damn well everything is risky. How many times does a pistol have to explode in your hand before you're SOL for life?
Football is risky like just about everything else. I won't pretend I didn't get hurt playing it, though the college level was the safest for me (sitting the bench does that.)

I have:
Broken one finger
Hyperextended both knees.
Torn ACLs in both knees and MCL in the right one.
Slightly dislocated my right shoulder.
Hyperextended my right elbow.
Been knocked slightly fuzzy, but never out.
Slashed my right wrist wide open on a loose piece of equipment (it was a tough practice and I just wanted it all to end . . .) :)

BUT--ask a skateboarder, climber, kayaker, basketball player, or martial artist who takes his play seriously to list his injuries sometime. The padding in football takes so much pain and injury out of it that you can't understand how unviolent most of the game feels until you try it. Watching from the stands, it looks like everybody should be dead.
Nothing is wrong with college sports if they could have remained amateur status instead of becoming a minor league of that opiate for the masses;professional sports teams subsidized by the taxspayers for the benefit of the corporations and the elites in their expensive skyboxes. Dexter Mainley testified before Congress that he graduated from the University of Oklahoma ILLITERATE. I know that the bonds for these ridiculous sports stadiums are voted by the taxpayers. The voters are just so stupid to vote for such crap. I am getting away from the topic so here is what I propose. Have real amateur players in the college ranks with good and real grades. That would not only get rid of the gangster elements in college sports but would dry up the sources for professional sports which I hope disappear from the american scene. While the american economy dies, we are building more sports stadiums on not only the professional level but also at the college level. Insanity, in the form of stadiums, rules in American metro areas.
Sports participation can be ok--I guess. Having it rammed down your throat is something else; so is seeing your tax dollars and school resources used up to divert the students and entertain the herd makes no sense at all. Nobody ever subsidized my kids' activities, in or out of school. And, as any shooter knows, damn little comes our way. Most kids--male or female--would get more out of the shooting sports than anything offered today.

With all due respect, a couple of common misconceptions have surfaced here. Take the point about the loss of amateur status, for example. This is fairly true at the Division I level but it ignores D2 and D3 schools. This is important because we way outnumber D1 and D2 combined ( I think.) I played at a D3 school. We practiced on our playing field, we had only one set of bleachers set in the hillside, and we didn't even have lights. No scholarships or financial aid whatsoever for athletes, either. Does that fit better with your idea of "amateur?" Good, because that's the real picture for MOST colleges--except they aren't the ones on TV.
As for other sports being a waste of time and the shooting sports not, I agree that the shooting sports deserve more support but find it a bit insulting when you say that "most people" get more out of shooting sports than any other sport. After all, you don't like having all those other sports "rammed down your throat," so how do you imagine others like it when you proclaim the shooting sports superior to the sport they love enough to train, freeze, fry and bleed for? Is it so impossible that there are lots of people out there who simply prefer football or baseball the way you simply prefer shooting?