
New member
It used to take me only 15 minutes to read over all the posts here, get caught up on all thats new, and formulate responses to the goings on...

Then the Firing Line has grown... and continues to grow... Now it takes at least an hour, and this morning I find I have still missed whole issues!

Aargh... I am starting to loose actual shooting time!

And what ever happened to the "Reports from the Range" thread? Do we not actually shoot gun anymore?


I have forgiven you for missing the FOUP project... ("what is FOUP?".. indeed!).....

The "range reports" threads died because of lack of interest... I think you and I were the main contributors and since you had a life to lead, I have stopped posting my exploits in front of the targets, for the most part..

Most people talk shooting a lot more than they shoot, it seems....

I am lucky to be able to post, open the door and shoot a little, and then post again minutes later (or, god forbid, work, shoot, and work some more...)
Yep, that little number in the upper corner of the main forums page just keeps growing. Its not costing me any range time, but it does keep me up waaaaaaaay past my bed time. :)