Time Magazine new (ongoing) Poll.


New member

I've noticed that the Time magazine poll re: guns in America is still running. I know several TFLr's voted the original poll and our votes coupled with the rest of society produced favorable results for RKBA.

I also recall someone here mentioning that Time was a little 'bent' about our participation in the poll as it "slanted" the results in our favor. Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm a Time reader and a regular citizen like everyone else so my opinion counts too.

Anyway, I know the original poll closed, but Time appears to have opened this poll back up--I assume to "straighten" the numbers out. Perhaps we need to pay them another visit. They are providing a revised set of results. I just voted again from work. Check it out: http://www.time.com/time/polls/gunpoll.html
Desert Rat,
It's a free country but why are you a Time
reader? Of the major news weeklies Time
is the most anti-gun, the most blatant Clinton apoligist, the most biased to liberal
causes. Why use your money to support an
entity that has nothing but contempt for
the rights and values you believe in. Please
don't take this as a flame but gun owners
have got to stop supporting their worst
enemies. Be it Time, CNN, ABC, or your local
Gannet paper. There are lots of good news
sources out there who are friendlier to
our position (Weekly Standard, Wall Street Journal, National Review, Fox). Let's support
them and their advertisers and let the anti's
meet their payrolls without our dollars.

While I can't speak for him, I would suspect that DR reads Time for the same reason that I read the Washington Post -- ya gotta know what your enemy is up to!

I had a subscription for a number of years, I got it GREATLY reduced through their "editorial professional" discount program. I dropped it last year after their gun issue came out, and when they called me up to ask me why I wasn't renewing, I let the girl have it with both proverbial barrels.

Point well taken. But, I didn't say where I read Time or how I acquire the mag. You see, I wouldn't pay for that thing.

No, the issues I read are from my brother in law (college student) who subscribes and I read his trash (just the mag :)) Sort of appropriate isn't it? Also note that the doctor's office, barber's shop, etc. are good sources too.

Mike Irwin said it best. Know your enemy. Study in every minute detail what your enemy does. Be prepared. I'm a big Sun Tzu student.

Take care you guys and lets keep these antis at bay. :) :)
Done, but it looks like they are getting only 2/3rds against gun control - where it was over 90 percent before. Since poll 1 was done in 98, they can and bet that they will, claim a 25 percent increase in those for gun control.

Remember that they carefully configure the questions to get the answer they want. Example - same basic question, widely different answers to the following:

1) is it alright to smoke while praying?
2) is it alright to pray while smoking?

It is the people who are prisoners of their own ignorance about firearms that pose the greatest threat to our 2nd Amendment Rights.
I don't like question number 2. "have you stopped beating your wife yet?"

If the Brady Bill is effective...see, gun control laws work and we need more of them!

If the Brady Bill is ineffective...see, gun laws are not tough enough and we need more of them!

Catch 22! Beware of pollsters.
as of 1950 hrs pacific time, : more laws NO-71% Yes 27%. Brady effective? very 6.78% somewhat effective 13.83%. Somewhat ineffective 9.5% not at all effective 66.29%.

Only two questions when I got there:<UL TYPE=SQUARE>
<LI>Should the U.S. have stricter gun control laws? No 72%. <LI>How would you rate the effectiveness of the Brady Bill and the assault-weapons ban in preventing the illegal use and distribution of guns? Not At All Effective 66%.</UL>Total Votes Cast: 297662.

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited May 07, 2000).]
New Poll only has two questions.

1. Should the US have tighter gun control laws?
Yes 27.22%
No 71.81%
Not Sure 0.95%

2. How would you rate the effectiveness of the Brady Bill and the assault-weapons ban in preventing the illegal use and distribution of guns?

Very effective 6.78%
Somewhat effective 13.83%
Somewhat ineffective 9.52%
Not at all effective 66.30%
Don't know 3.55%

Final results of the Original poll:

Gun Poll Results

1. Do you own a gun?

75.51% Yes
24.39% No

2. Should the U.S. have stricter gun control laws?

6.73% Yes
93.25% No

3. Do you believe that allowing people to carry concealed weapons reduces crime?

92.22% Yes
7.76% No

4. Do you believe that U.S. cities should sue gun manufacturers to recoup money spent dealing with gun-related crime?

1.96% Yes
98.01% No

5. How would you rate the effectiveness of the Brady Bill and the assault-weapons ban in preventing the illegal use and distribution of guns?

0.52% Very effective
3.79% Somewhat effective
6.13% Somewhat ineffective
87.27% Not at all effective
2.23% Don't know

Total Votes Cast: 33202

[This message has been edited by ArmySon (edited May 07, 2000).]