Time magazine - man of the century ?

I'm in tears!

"The G.I. was the wisecracking kid Marine from Brooklyn who clawed his
way up a deadly hill on a Pacific island."

That is (was) my Dad! He was proud to be called a G.I. Enlisted at 17, lied to his immigrant mother and tricked her into signing the papers. God what a Mensch he was!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
A better dedication I couldn't imagine. I found two phrases he used incredibly appropriate:

"They were truly a "people's army," going forth on a crusade to save democracy and freedom, to defeat tyrants, to save oppressed peoples and to make their families proud of them".

"They went forth as reluctant warriors, as citizen soldiers".

Is this the "militia" our fore fathers spoke of? An Army of "the People". All able bodied men and women. My dad too was one of these who left home and family to go fight an oppressive and tyrannical government. May I do as well as he did.
A democratic people, armed with a just cause, produce some of the fiercest fighters the world has ever known.