Time Magazine looks back at the 1968 Gun Control Act


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Time Magazine (October 25, 2018) did a very short look at the 1968 Gun Control Act. You can read it here:


Here’s a small excerpt from the article:

How does the Gun Control Act of 1968 relate to the political debate in recent years, in particular the conversation about mass shootings?

It doesn’t connect up with that phenomenon, which started in 1989 when a gunman shot up an elementary school. [The law] had nothing to say about assault weapons because they weren’t available for civilian purchase and gun owners weren’t interested in assault weapons; sales were tiny until the mid 1980s, when the Chinese dumped cheap assault weapons on the American market and sales began to take off.

It seriously makes me wonder what it takes to be a Times Magazine reporter. :rolleyes:
Wow...no research whatsoever. I do recall reading an ad from Colt from 1962, IRRC, for the new AR15 as a hunting rifle. Typical leftist reporter, go for emotion and the heck with facts.
Not to mention that until the Clinton "Assault Weapon" ban there was no legal much less commonly used definition of "assault weapon".
Back in the early-mid 80s, I remember reading an editorial that Time ran (once) which clearly and openly stated that they believed the issue of private firearm ownership was too important for them to be fair and impartial journalists, and the side they were choosing to take was against private ownership of firearms.

I give them due credit for being honest enough to state, once, in a small voice that they were going to be lying to us from then on...

Other than that, I have no use for anything Time says about guns, or gun laws.
Wow...no research whatsoever. I do recall reading an ad from Colt from 1962, IRRC, for the new AR15 as a hunting rifle. Typical leftist reporter, go for emotion and the heck with facts.

It was 64. The military got the M16 in 65.
What a bunch of crap. I was reading the article until I got to the point where it said Lee H Osward purchased the gun from an ad in a NRA magazine. That is pure bull excrement. Time magazines should be used to clean your butt if run out of toilet tissue. In the mean time teach your dog dump on it.

This is from Gun America digest:

The 6.5mm Carcano we were able to find is serial-numbered C4880, and Oswald’s was C2766. That puts it only a couple thousand rifles away in the production line, and our test rifle has the original scope mount and scope found on Oswald’s as well, almost exactly like the rifle/scope combo he bought out of the February 1963 American Rifleman ad from Kleins for $19.99.
Hey time magazine eat crap and die.
I apologize for that unnecessary rant but I really get pissed when read out right lies like that. I bet people are saying wow the NRA was doing back room stuff way back in the 60's
Man that frost my preserves@#$%^&*
Oops my bad. I should have taken my time with this. I think I need to take a time out.
The American Rifleman is a NRA magazine, damn I saw Kliens and I got all upset. OK I'm done, sorry about all that.

What's sad is 15 years ago I really liked TIME. I knew they were slightly biased, but they also reported on unique issues that didn't necessarily have a partisan slant. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case.
Years ago, I remember a report that came out which stated that 89 percent of the mainstream media voted for the Democratic party. I'm not sure how they came to that conclusion unless they polled a random number of the mainstream media. I haven't heard anything since then.