Time magazine cover

Uncle Ben

New member
Media Research Center
Douglas Mills, Executive Vice President

Time Magazine went "green" this week with a cover that replaces
the American flag in the iconic photo from Iwo Jima with a tree,
saying the "war" on global warming is a "similarly momentous
challenge" to our World Wars, the Great Depression, putting a
man on the moon, the intercontinental railroad and beating polio!

Time then outrageously concludes by saying that "going green"
is the new red, white and blue--the height of patriotism.

View the cover here:
your link is broke.

hope this helps.


Of course, you can really, really save some trees by not buying the print magazine.
Looks like some smartzy fartzy artsy editor has stepped in a mess. I understand the vets are after them about that picture now. I am not gonna buy that mag but I don't buy any of those junk news mags anymore, they just put them in waiting rooms to entertain bored patients as far as I know. Does anyone subscribe as an individual to that drivel anymore?
Tiem Magazine cover....

Trying to equate the winning of World War 2 with the supposed fight against Global warming is an insult to the Brave Marines and others that won the war for the whole world.
For every scientist that claims Global warming is a problem there is a scientist that will say just the opposite about it.
Since the oceans of the world haven't started rising and washing away the cities and towns on any coast I've heard about I don't believe in Global warming at all.
This is just soem Liberals idea of a make believe problem and is an insult to the men, and the men that died, to make a politcial point that just isn't there.:mad:
Not to re-hash the whole global warming debate, but in WWII, there was consensus... with Global Warming there is no consensus.

It is insulting to see those (such as Time magazine) who 'choose' to believe in global warming... to see them attempt to force it down our throats like this.
I had not seen the cover until now

And I do not find it as bad as it was made out to be. No doubt some will find it offensive, but it isn't what I thought it was from the sound byte descriptions.

From the descriptions I thought that they had replaced the flag on the pole with a flag that had a tree on it, instead of the stars and stripes. That I would have found more unsettling than what they actually did.

Either way though, there is no way I can get upset with Time magazine andy more than I have been for the past 20+ years. Back in the 80s when they took a public editorial stance against the private ownership of firearms, they have been less than trash inb my book ever since. I don't really care what they put on their cover, I will not read, nor knowningly spend one cent of my money on anything they are involved with. I have passed up many Time/Life/Warner/CBS products because of that, and give them the reason why whenever I have the opportunity. They used to call, and offer to sell me books and videos (many that I would have otherwise bought) but I turned them all down, and told them specifically why. That I would buy your product, except for your editorial stance against private gun ownership. You lost a sale because of that. They haven't called me in quite a while, maybe they figured I an a lost cause.:)

Give Time all the guff that you can, just don't give them any money if you can help it!
IMHO, more pollution is caused by the manufacture of all the "green" products that would be if we stayed "not green"....

If anyone really cared about cleaning up the environment, all the companies that make disposable whatevers would be immediately shut down and we'd all just wash our dishes and dish rags instead of throwing them away.

Oh wait, that would require a personal sacrafice on behalf of EVERYONE, which will never happen. Our dispossable society will never grow up and the pollution will never stop.

Call me an "old crazy guy" but I fully expect it to get so out of whack that I'll be given some form of ticket in the next 10 years for owning a V8 powered vehicle.
I wonder how much of this green movement is just another vehicle for the left-wing collectivists to gain more control over our lives. I admit that a problem exists, but much of what I see is mostly about how we have to let the government dictate more and more of what we can have and what we can do.

As I see it, our civil liberties are under attack on many fronts. One is the attack on the Second Amendment and on our right of self-defense. A second area is the attack on our property rights. That one is already lost since a city can take our homes and businesses to give them to a developer in order to increase the tax base. Another area is our right and ability to move about without permission from the government or anybody else. I can see the green movement as a way to curtail that right. Maybe I am wrong. I sure hope that I am.