Ti vs. Multialloy Taurus 85


New member
Hello everybody this is my first contribution (question) to this forum. I registered after reading some of the messages in this forum and honestly I'm impressed with how well it works and how helpful it has been to some people.

Anyway, I'm in the market for a Taurus 85 and I'm having a hard time choosing between the Total Titanium model and the Multialloy ( Ti & Aluminum). I would like to know what is the practical difference between tha Ti and the Al frame. The Multialloy one is lighter and less expensive so why go for the Ti? Thank you guys for any help.


I've noticed that the steel and MultiAlloy guns tend to be a lot smoother out of the box and compare favorably with J-frame *&*'s. The Total Ti guns seem to be a little rougher.

It's gotta be rough making the entire gun from Titanium; some of the other gun companies should give it a try. ;)
Taurus multialloy (called Ultralite) are slightly lighter (1 or 2 oz difference) with the aluminum frame, but the Ti versions are more durable and more corrsion resistant. Either gun wil be a fine choice.

www.taurususa.com for all the specs on the revolvers in question.
I've had a little trouble with a new Taurus I've purchased recently.

Getting them to live up to their "Lifetime Warranty" has been worse than a root canal. It took four calls to Florida before I found anyone willing to even talk to me. And all this person did was take my name and number. Nobody has called me back. I'd much rather buy from a company who guaranteed their products for a year and then actually helped you when you needed a problem repaired, than have a company SAY that they have a lifetime guarantee, and then do nothing when you need service the most.
Sorry to say something like the above when you're looking at a new Taurus, however it's better to go into something with "both eyes open".

Kentucky Rifle
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Kentucky, I'm no fan of Taurus by any means. I must say though, your story must certainly be an exception. Everything I've read, and those that I've spoken with, contend that Taurus customer service takes a back seat to no one. (Problem is, too many people have to experience it.;))

As to the question, I would lean toward the Total Ti. The gun has less parts and processes to go through than the Multi. That, and the fact the the Ti is stronger, should make for a much more solid little piece.

Today, I was able to talk to the "customer service" (WHAT a joke) supervisor. I was nice, hoping that she could come up with a quick solution to my problem. I suggested several options--she would have none of it. I have already made a deal with my gun shop to take the pistol back. (Yes, I was completely honest about the problems.) My gun shop owner said that he considered me one of his best customers, and would take the Taurus back at full price on a trade for anything else in the shop, new or used. Now THAT is customer service. (I'm going to make sure he doesn't loose any money though. He just doesn't know about that part yet.) I don't get it. I was nice from the start. Taurus has lost this customer. Actually, I'm quite mystified by the whole ordeal, and it has been an ordeal.
If you're looking for a company to use for revolvers instead of S&W, it will save you a lot of trouble if you look somewhere other than Taurus.


I wish I could Mikey, but indeed it WAS the 731UL. A couple of other great people on the board have them and are very satisfied. However, my experience with Taurus service has been a nightmare. It is a little embarrassing so I didn't put the whole story on the board yesterday, but as I'm feeling a little "ornery" this morning, I'll tell you about it. The first person I got through to (after four calls) was a young woman in customer service. I had to give her a long lesson in the operation of the pistol. I don't think she EVER understood the problem. As I tried my best to explain, I heard a giggle. I thought maybe someone had walked by her desk and done something funny so, on I went, trying my best to get her to understand. (She giggled again.) Telling her that it was getting a little frustrating to listen to her giggle as I tried to explain the problem, she let out a huge horse laugh and hung up. Perplexed as to why this would have happened, I decided to wait a day and try to get in touch with the supervisor of customer service. The next day--Success!! Surley THIS woman would be able to solve the problem in short order. As I explained to HER, she kept putting me on hold or putting her hand over the phone so she could talk to someone else. It was plain to see, she wasn't interested in my problem. Finally, I suggested a few options that would quickly solve the problem. She would have none of it. The ONLY thing she would do was to have my pistol picked up by Fed Ex and then (as she put it) placed before a "committee" to get their decision. I pleaded with her that doing that would take longer than I wanted to wait and offered another solution that would be fair to both me and Taurus. Nope, no deal. Her way, or NO way. (Her words.) At that point she said that she was going to "end this conversation" and without my hearing another word, she hung up.
This is a true story--nothing has been changed. If you are looking for a revolver to purchase because you don't want to buy a new S&W, remember my "Taurus experience". I know that I'll never forget it.
I find it difficult to believe that ALL experiences with Taurus customer service have been like mine. However, I'll never buy another Taurus. Dealing with them has been terrible. I'm going out to my gun shop to pick something else this afternoon.

Kentucky Rifle
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I agree wholeheartedly! But how?? There's no e-mail and nothing that looks like a Brazil address. I'm sure the people at the Florida address would do nothing about a letter describing my experience. I feel that a letter to Taurus USA in Florida would go directly into the "round file" that sits beside the desk.

If you get a chance to try one of the scandium or titanium AirLight *&* guns (used) you will want to buy one. They are really a nice piece. Just try a few different types of ammo because I had extraction problems with cheap S&B ammo in one. Once I tried Federal, it worked 110%
KY Rifle,

Curious as to what exactly what was the problem with your Taurus revolver. I was considering getting the Model 850 CIA Titanium.

I called taurus customer service. Asking where ttheir headquarters were located was like asking where the US keeps the downed spacecraft in Area 51 ;) - the woman answering the phone said she couldn't give out that information.

AFter getting transferred to another person, I found out that the person in charge of everything down there is Bob Morrison, and their mailing address is 16175 NW 49th Ave, Miami, FL 33014. After the holidays they can expect a nice long letter from me.
Bastiat and Alamo

Bastiat--I VERY MUCH APPRECIATE the info! A letter from me to "Bob" will go out tonight. No, not a nasty letter. Just a polite request for information as to why a repeat customer would be treated this way.

Alamo--(I'll give you the two major problems with my 731UL. I'm running short on time. (More info later, if you desire.) First of all (and most disturbing) was that the small half moon "cut-out" that was supposed to be under the back of the barrel for the little spring detent on the yoke, located just in front of the cylinder was not "machined" in during manufacture. Thus, the little spring loaded detent would just squash down under the pressure of the flat metal under the barrel. (There's a good picture of it on the Taurus website.)
Second, the cylinder locked tightly in the firing position (with the hammer back) in every postion, but one. Upon inspection with a magnifying glass, one of the small "gears" on the cylinder was misalinged, thus leaving a loose gap on that particular chamber. Far too much play.
I have to run an errand right now, so leave me any other questions. However, Tom--Be VERY glad you haven't purchased the CIA yet. You lucked out! My gunshop owner just called and said he wants to show me something, and he sounded happy. I have to go and look!

KY Rifle,

Thanks for the info. on your problem. I had been torn between the Taurus CIA and a Glock 26. That made my decision much easier except that I got to see/hold the new Kel-Tec Sub 2000 Rifle on Tuesday - WOW! It is absolutely amazing, 30" long and folds up to about half that size. It was $329 at a gun shop infamous for high prices. Will probably be under $300 elsewhere or once the initial demand is met. Early reports from those who have one have been favorable. I may have to get one after the G26!

I am SO happy I was able to "warn you off" before you got that Taurus CIA. As you know from our e-mails, I own a Glock 27. It is one of my favorite pistols. The G26 you're now going to buy is probably, well...I don't want to offend anyone, but you'll be MUCH happier than with the Taurus. ---At this point I'd like to apologize to the Taurus owners who haven't had problems, and I have angered. I'm sorry. I know that some of the pistols that come from Taurus are good guns. I've seen them. My own wife has a Total Titanium .38 special snub that is about as close to perfect as you can get. I'll just never trust that manufacturer again (And neither will she. I plan to replace her Total Ti with a "better" brand [IMHO] just as soon as she indicates interest.) For me, the trouble of trying to get Taurus to live up to the (always just a little out of reach) "lifetime warrenty" is far too much trouble. In fact, I don't believe there IS such a warrenty. Unless you jump through the hoops that Taurus puts in front of you!

Sorry again (Especially to Tamara and Lendringser),

Thanks for your info., customer service/warranty is very important. Apologies to "andreb" for taking over his thread.