Thunderwear Questions???


New member

Does anyone have any experience with Thunderwear?

If yes...

Which version do you have? Standard? Federal model?

What kind of gun did you conceal?

How well did it work? Did anyone give you an odd look?

How comfortable is it? Sitting down?

How quickly can you access the gun?

Do you live in a humid climate? Does this affect the comfort level?

Thanks for all the input?

Which version do you have? Standard? Federal model?

Federal model. Cost a little more, but it provides another compartment, which I can use for a second mag, or more often, a more secure place for cash on a temporary basis.

What kind of gun did you conceal?

Kahr K9. Used it a couple of times for a Para P-12, but that was over the top - not practical. Besides, a 1911 pistol presents other problems in such a location.

How well did it work? Did anyone give you an odd look?

Works fine, every day. The truth is, most people aren't going to stare at your crotch. Now, I'm 47, so I don't wear skin-tight jeans anymore, and that helps [also might explain why no one is staring at my crotch ;) ]. But, styles today still are somewhat baggy, and the folds in normal slacks tend to mask any 'printing' that would otherwise occur.

How comfortable is it? Sitting down?

Quite comfortable - I usually forget I'm carrying. But, I wear it differently than their directions suggest. The butt of the pistol is below my belt, and I wear the holster to the left of my crotch, essentially over the top of my left leg - in front of the hip (the middle of the pistol is at the same height as my hip joint). Sitting down is not a problem, but would be if I tried to wear the pistol with the butt under my belt.

How quickly can you access the gun?

This is the concern. Standing, I can access the pistol in 2-3 seconds. Wouldn't win any fast draw contests. Sitting? Well, I'd either have to stand, or lean back for access. Someday I will experiment with a belly band, which seems to be the only other practical alternative to this kind of deep cover.

In those few cases where I went to 'condition orange' I pulled the butt of the pistol up, behind my belt - made it more readily available for a draw.

Do you live in a humid climate? Does this affect the comfort level?

Phoenix is not humid, generally, but it is hot as he** in the summer. Comfort is not a noticable concern, but maintenance is an issue. Before I had my blued K9 treated by Robar (NP3 and Roguard), it was rusting on me. Wiping it down every night with a treated cloth helped, but didn't solve the problem. My next pistol will be stainless, and even that is not a guarantee against rust in this situation.

One last point. I don't think Thunderwear is the optimum way to carry a sidearm. However, in those situations where you absolutely must conceal the firearm 100% of the time, Thunderwear does accomplish that goal. And, my perspective is that I'd rather be able to have an alternative for self defense, albeit slightly slower, versus no firearm at all.

Still, I will experiment with a belly band as well. I've heard that some folks wear them above the belt, with their sidearm under their left arm, for a cross draw. They leave a button undone on their shirt, and thereby have pretty rapid access. Probably more rapid than with Thunderwear. However, it sounds very uncomfortable.

One last point. I had a small problem with one of their holsters once, and they sent another one to me for free. Nice folks, and honest businessmen, based upon my experience.

Give one a try. Some of these things require a bit of experimentation to find what will work for you. I heard about Thunderwear right here on TFL myself.

Good luck. Regards from AZ.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited April 13, 2000).]
I have a Smartcarry holster which is somewhat similiar to thunderwear, except it is not underwear, it is just 2 pockets in front, and a wrap around to velcro attachments in back. I have found that revolvers are a bit more comfortable than pistols in this, i.e. I have both a Taurus ti model 85 UL , and 44 spl ti. Both are very adequate for most defense purposes with Corbon loads.
Would one of the Kimber Ultra Carries work OK with thunderwear? I'm trying to decide on which mode to go with, either a belly band or Thunderwear. My clothes will be business dress, so tight jeans aren't a problem. I have to admit that I would have some concerns with carrying a cocked and locked 1911 down next to you know where.
Used a copy of Thunderwear for several months, almost every day for several hours with a Glock 23. Wore it under cargo shorts. Worked very well, was comfortable and not noticable. Only part that was a pain was having to go to a stall to pee.
I wore a Thunderwear (standard) during a 3 day Louis Awerbuck tactical handgun course. Carried a S&W 640 .38. Cargo shorts. Worked real well. Comfortable, but drawing from a seated position is tough.

As to speed, I was about a tie with the cops in class with their thumbreak duty rigs. Not too bad for a deep concealment rig. The only drawback was that after many, many draws, my knuckles were raw.

I tried it with a Glock 27, and although it would work in a pinch, the Glock is fat in all the wrong places, and the revolver just fits better, and is more comfortable. Plus, I don't like a Glock pointed at my joint, especially during a quick draw...

It's a very good rig, just realize it's limitations, as with all carry modes.
I have the federal model. It conceals a 442 Airweight very well, a Glock 26 not as well. I have a bit of a, ahem, spare tire, and the back of the slide of the Glock was rather uncomfortable. The shape of the hammerless revolver seems to fit the holster well. As many have said, not the optimum way to carry, but one that works for what it is meant to.
Gunslinger and I distribute a concealable holster that is very cool and comfortable and easy to access gun from standing or sitting, e-mail one of us if you would like more information.
