Thumler's Tumbler Question


New member
The other day I saw a Thumlers Tumbler advertised on Craigs list in the upstate and met the guy and got it. I knew it was missing a drive belt but I had extras. The model I got is a AR-2 and one drum was missing the retaining belt which are available.

I saw one once that instead of the 3 lb drums having a rubber belt, there were steel rings in the grooves which apparently is not a Thumler's "issue".

Just wondering if anybody here has a AR 1 or 2 with the steel rings? And where are they available?
Hummer70, I have the 45 tumbler, it will hold 45 pounds of media or 45 pounds of cases or a 45 pound combination of both. They recommend starting with 500 30/06 cases,; and then add media.

And then there is vinegar, I use vinegar for the worst of cases and I only use vinegar once for the life of the case for 15 minutes.

Point? I started turning my arm saw off at one angle and tilting the blade with the intension of cutting a few compound angles and then thought? When did tumbling get so complicated.

F. Guffey