Thumbprint for Ammo in CA


New member
beginning in feb 1, 2011 california is going to require a thumbprint for ammo purchases which the store owner then has to retain for 5 years if i am reading this legislation correctly. It seems like a huge step towards ammo control. i don't like this very much. I see the benefits it could have, but those benefits are at the expense of the civil liberties to law abiding citizens. this information is on california's dept. of justice, bureau of firearms site under new and amended firearm laws.
Amazingly worthless

This is unbelievable! What possible use could there be to have an ammo buyer's thumbprint on file. It could never be connected to that ammo. This is just simply retarded. Where was the NRA when this legislation when through.
Make me crazy!

Live well, be safe
IIRC, in the 1970's and maybe even into the early 80's the Feds required every FFL to record ammo purchases in a book, by name and address. As dumb as the federal government is, even they realized this was stupid and discontinued the requirement. Leave it to California to resurrect such a colossal waste of time and energy....
Leave it to California to resurrect such a colossal waste of time and energy....
And money. After all, who's going to make sure the retailers do this? You would think California would have better ways to spend their money.

I can just see the road signs in Arizona and other bordering states, "First Chance/Last Chance to Buy Print-Free Ammo!"
Back in thr 60's when one bought ammo, the seller had to keep a record of name. address, etc. and one had to show drivers license. It only lasted a few years. The thumb print will be quicker and might last about the same length of time.
I thought California was broke. How can they afford this?

What would keep someone from picking up empty brass with gloves and handloading it?

I guess the Bereaucrats figure that no one is smart enough to wipe it clean when loading the gun.

Another worthless idea from that wonderful state.
I thought California was broke. How can they afford this?

I was going to ask the same thing. It's absurd that a state in as deep money crisis as they are in is willing to spend money on a program that does nothing to stop crime but simply pushes an anti-gun agenda forward.
The only rationale I can see in such a measure is that the gunshop won't be able to sell ammo to people prevented by the law to get them, but this won't prevent straw purchases....

They don't call it Kalifornistan for nothing. They need to find another way of crime prevention. Has it not been proven that people that live in California go outside the state to obtain illegal weopons. Crooks will always be Crooks. They need to punish them and not the citizens. California will get a guy fired up!!
Those sick ----s out there can't even get their illegals documented...or don't want to which is worse...but they've got plenty of time to harass citizens. As I recall, they're $20 billion in the hole and will push for the rest of the country to bail them out when and if it's possible. This is just one more example of the lunacy of the Left...great with ideas for spending other's money on their social experiments. I really feel for you guys forced to live out there, in that kind of political environment.

You would think California would have better ways to spend their money.

They're out of money so it doesn't matter anymore. Seriously, despite the fact this is a huge hit to our rights, what does it cost to support a program like this? In a time when we need more efficiency and less cost, lawmakers are still passing ridiculous new laws??? I suggest picking your state to live in based on their gun laws. Will divide the country into pansy, no rights, do what we say states (CA made my list long ago with their laws that crushed numerous collectible automobiles) and states that still believe in the constitution and the great American way. I know before moving I'd be checking into a states gun laws. They need to be as good or better than the state I'm in now.

Not sure how you protest this. Maybe as gun owners we need to boycott doing business with CA. Tell the businesses I'm sorry but I can't do business in a state that passes laws like this. Vote with your $ and Set the example now.
Why would we expect any gun restriction law to make sense?

It's just another in a series of feel-good anti-shooter laws,,,
They aren't based on a need or common sense,,,
They are strictly anti-shooter based.

I left California after 21 years back in 1996,,,
When Riverside County tried to pass a county statute,,,
Limiting how much ammunition I could have in my home at one time.

It seemed if I wanted a Brick of 500 rounds of .22 LR,,,
I was considered to be a potential terrorist,,,
I sold out and moved 8 months later,,,
I never looked back even once,,,
But I do miss the ocean.

Simple harassment of shooters. Also, we will be unable to buy handgun ammo on the internet.

The smartie who thought this up is Kevin DeLeon, and it is his favorite hobby horse. Just as dumb as Carolyn McCarthy in NY. He has been stumping for microstamping and gun locks and whatever any idiot can think of to make it more costly in every way to own a firearm in CA. He would be much more comfy in Mexico with their gun rules.

At the rate we are going, he will get his wish.

My departure date gets nearer every day.
This is the first step towards "micro stamping" ammo casings with distinct ID alphanumerics. You buy, you get printed, the dealer has record with your name, etc. and ID of ammo. The police find an empty casing at a crime scene - check out the casing ID, trace it to the dealer who then fingers the purchaser - YA RIGHT! Too much THC laden smoke in Kalifornia.
[shakes head in disbelief]

Judging by the responses in this thread, it is evident that most of you (responding) have not taken the time to even read the opening post in the stickied thread, Current 2A Cases.

If you had, you would know that many things "gun" in California are in a state of flux. "The times, they are a-changin!" I'm thinking that way too many gun owners have heard the shrill cry from the 2A absolutists, that Heller did not go far enough, that McDonald could have set the issue of scrutiny (because Heller failed to do so)... And on and on. Forgetting that the Supreme Court has twice ruled upon the 2A in as many years.

Where was the NRA, Prof Young? It fought like a mad-dog to get the bill killed. There was a huge grass roots effort to block the bill. DeLeon and his cohorts got it through, anyway. The best that got done was to keep a definition of handgun ammo from being amended to the bill.

In CA, there are at present 3 cases, two in federal courts and one in a State court, that will address the ammo ban (as AB 962 is being called).

That lack of handgun ammo definition is the major thrust of the Parker lawsuit. You do know that Clay Parker is the Sheriff of Tehama County, yes? Other parts of this law are being litigated in two different Federal District Courts, under different theories. One or all of them are likely to prevail and will gut most of this law.

Then there was the settlement in Sacramento County that has made it a virtual "shall issue" county. Add in that the Peruta case will most likely be decided within the next 7 to 10 days, which if in our favor (and there are good indications that it will be), will make San Diego County a virtual "shall issue" county and will provide precedent to all of CA.

Nordyke will shortly (shortly in court time, that is) be decided and will address the "sensitive places" issue. This opinion will affect the entire 9th Circuit.

At that point, Pena will come out of its stay and will attack the Safe Handgun Roster.

All the while, any of 2 dozen or so other cases nationwide, may be decided and will become convincing precedent, to further attack onerous laws in CA.

Those of you in CA, should be giddy with anticipation! And you should be supporting the NRA-ILA, SAF and the CalGuns Foundation, as best as you can. Those of you outside of CA, should be supporting the NRA-ILA and the SAF.

Note: You don't need to be a member of the NRA, if that is distasteful to you, in order to help support the litigation efforts of the NRA-ILA. They have fallen in line with the strategy of the SAF, even if they won't give them credit.

Jumping Jehoshaphat on a Flaming Pogo Stick! We are Winning, folks! Where is this negativity coming from?