Thumbhole stock!!!

Does anyone know if you can but a replacement thumbhole stock for an 11-87 SP 12 or 20 ga.? If so, WHERE????
I have been looking everywhere but have not been able to find any, all I can find are 870 thumbhole stocks.
Thanks for the help
Greetings, marathonoil12, and welcome aboard.

It may have to do with the gun's configuration: With the 870s, there is a simple hole for the stock bolt in the wrist area. With the auto-loaders, the wrist area hole is larger to accommodate the action spring tube assembly. The auto's larger hole may be incompatible with a thumb hole.
Contact Remington themselves...

All the after market makers cater to the 870 or 500/590...

Ljutic and any number of stockmakers can make you one but they'll be expensive...
If you closely at your linked pics, you'll notice the butt stock bolt screw hole intersects the thumb hole. If this stock design were to be applied to marathonoil12's auto, the action spring tube assembly would protrude into the thumb space.
no worries. I ended up going with an 870 anyways (for various reasons). Also, the thumbhole stock that was linked above is very nice, but I would not pay 160 or even 120 for it when remington has then on clearance sale on their website for $29.99. If anyone is looking into one of these stocks you should look into it. (only for 12ga though)