thumb position on Glock

another okie

New member
I've tried several different grips with my left hand.
1. thumb locked down. Strong, but if not done exactly right the left thumb can block the trigger finger.
2. thumb pointing towards target. Solves "blocking trigger finger" problem but weakens grip.
Is there a "best" way, or a "typical" way that works for most?
My hands are not huge, in fact they're rather small for someone my size, 6"3", 200, but I guess they're larger than average size.
I am assuming this is strong side one handed?

I keep my thumb pointing down range on my strong hand and my week hand thumb below it. Doesn't block the trigger or anything else for that matter.

I have seen many people rest a thumb on the slide too, I always thought this to be a bad idea but to each his own.
I'm sure your hands are bigger than mine, as I'm 5'7" on a good day, and 180#. I shoot my G29 with my left thumb pointed at the target, resting on the slide stop, but not pressing on it. If I can do it, you can do it. :)

BTW, I do it this way because I shoot my 1911's this way as well.