throw some more wood on top of the anti-gun flame

Educating kids ain't enough. If there are kids in the house the guns get locked up. Pretty simple stuff that.

Thank god the little girl wasn't killed.
No doubt this father had "gun proofed" his kids instead of "kid proofing" his guns.

The father could be somebody on this site who brags about how they don't worry about their kids getting into their guns because they show them to them anytime they want and it's just a matter of discipline. Just teach your kids safety and not to play with them.

They're kids. No matter how well trained they have lapses in judgement. Gun safes and locks keep a lapse in judgement or a childish temper tantrum from turning into this.

I'm guessing this father will wish he'd invested the $90 at Wal Mart for a locking gun cabinet.
gun proofing your kids

well it does take a long and continuous labor of love to gun-proof your kids.

I started when my kids were very young. I never had toy guns in the house for either my son or daughter. Although we did get a couple of water canons when they were in their early teens. I believe kids just don't grasp the difference between playing with a toy gun or playing with a real one.

I took both shooting at various times and allowed my son to have his own 22 rifle. My daughter never got into shooting. Now she like to go to the range with her dad at age 35.

I always had guns around the house. But I kept them out of reach when the kids were real young. I only had a loaded self defence pistol around when I was here. I did have a very close friend whose son managed to find a kid-proof gun and kill himself. And a high school friend of my daughter committed suicide with her dads pistol. That was a very sad event in my daughters life.

Maybe I was fortunate but I believe my gun-proof kids were better off then their friends who were in home that were set up to be kid proof gun homes.

And today I really have problems with the NRA and the Eddie Eagle approach to kids and guns. It does not involve the parent as much as it should.
well it does take a long and continuous labor of love to gun-proof your kids.

I actually think it takes an irresponsible gun owner/father who doesn't understand children.

I also grew up in a home with unlocked guns and of course I survived it. 99.9% (or whatever) will. But this father was one of the .1%. As he deals with the various consequences of a daughter blasted in the face with his shotgun by his son, something that will damage his family and the visions he had of their future forever, I'm thinking he'd wished he'd done more.

You don't get life insurance because you think you're going to die soon. You don't get a CCW because you think you're going to get into a gun fight. You don't buy a safe and/or locks because you think your son isn't disciplined enough to stay out of your guns.

You do those things because you love your family too much NOT to.

I do my best to keep my kids gun proof, and then I lock my guns up anyway. My children are too precious to do any less. How about yours?

Like I said ... children are children and they will suffer from lapses of discipline or reason. A good parent does his best to protect them from every danger, including themselves.