three round burst


New member
Anyone have a gun with three round burst, without full auto?
Anyone want a gun with three round burst, without full auto?
The more I think about it, the less I want one.
It seems like a gamble to me.
It can get three shots on target, really fast, but it can also get three shots off target, really fast.
It would only give you 10 attempts to get on target.
I think that I would rather have 30 single shots at targets.
My ammo would last three times as long, and I could shoot at more than ten targets before reloading.
What do you think about three round burst?
Automatic weapons are toys except:

1 - when found on rifles fed by linked ammo belts (as in the SHRIKE 5.56mm assault machine gun)

2 - when used on weapons meant for short range kill-a-thons (most SMGs)

3 - when found on bona fide machine guns such as the .50 caliber browning machine gun, mk32mod1 25mm chaingun, or 7.62mm M60/M240, and even then it is wasteful when not used in bursts.

It is my opinion that one should rely upon one's marksmanship capabilities, and NOT on one's rifle's ability to spew ammunition all over the place.
yes i do have expirience with 3 round burst firearms they are easier to control than full auto but also with my expirience with paintball (my gun has 1,3,6 and full bursts) out of the 3,6 and full i prefer the 3 shot burst but over all i prefer semi but my pb gun trigger pull is like a click of a mouse on a computer and has a double trigger so semi is all you need because you can ultamatly control your rof on it by "walking the trigger" i have heard of ppl puting electronic semi only trigger frame from a pb gun on a real firearm crap now i want to do that but what im tring to say is do this if you can so you dont have to do the paper work but if youare wiling to do the paper work just get a firearms with 1,3, and full auto option on it yes 3 is awsome and you dont go thru as much ammo;)
Three round burst in the M4(M16) sucks. It is a ratchet that ends up giving you a seperate trigger pull for each position. Depending on when you let go of the trigger, your next 3 round burst might be 3 rounds or might be 1 or 2 rounds.

The three round burst was created as a mechanical fix to a training problem. Training troops to properly use an M16 in bursts takes a lot of time and a lot of ammunition, which equates to lots of $$$. The military decided they'd just limit the gun to 3 rounds per trigger pull and not have to worry about teaching the troops.

The only reason I would buy a 3-round burst only firearm was if I came across one cheap and since the NFA considers it a machinegun, I could dump the burst parts and make it straight full auto.
In my opinion, the best gun (unless you were shooting at vehicles or needed to take down a bunch of people) would be one with a selector switch for smeiauto and three-round burst. The three-round burst would definately be good for when the you-know-what hits the fan. What do you think some thug is going to do when he hears it? And you haven't emptied you mag in a couple seconds like FA.
...The three round burst was created as a mechanical fix to a training problem. Training troops to properly use an M16 in bursts takes a lot of time and a lot of ammunition, which equates to lots of $$$. The military decided they'd just limit the gun to 3 rounds per trigger pull and not have to worry about teaching the troops.

The only reason I would buy a 3-round burst only firearm was if I came across one cheap and since the NFA considers it a machinegun, I could dump the burst parts and make it straight full auto.

Exactly !

It's not difficult to fire single rounds with the selector set on FA . You have the option to fire any length burst that's appropriate for the situation at hand .
9mm 3 round is great for close range!

I have the priviledge of baby sitting a Colt 9mm carbine that belongs to my LE agency(basically a 9mm AR for those not familiar) that is SEMI 3RD BRST only. Due to the minimal amout of recoil, it can put three rounds really close together really quickly. I can consistently put three rounds in a 2-3 inch circle at 10-12 yards. That would be fairly devestating to anyone on the receiveing end. As someone else stated though, it all depends where you let off the trigger as to how many times it will go bang the next time you press the trigger. But, it is an EXTREMELY fun weapon. The one I have is an 11" upper with 3 32rd mags and surefire light.
I remember reading reports that some Marines in Desert Storm disabled the burst trigger to gain a more consistent trigger for longer distance shots. I have never really noticed any major difference. The last time I qualified with the M16A2 before we deployed in Feb of 2003 at the Range on Ft. Hood I still qualified as expert with 36 out of 40 on the 300 meter range at the young age of Outshot all my young soldiers and rubbed it in :D So to me it doesnt really matter as it never bothered me to any extreme.

Now at 600 yards it might be a different story. I have a Colt match HBAR that I shot in a 600 yard match with iron sights for grins and giggles. It has a regular two stage trigger in it.
The last time I qualified with the M16A2 before we deployed in Feb of 2003 at the Range on Ft. Hood I still qualified as expert with 36 out of 40 on the 300 meter range at the young age of

So that would make you 50 now. Do you think you could still whoop them youngens 3 years later?
I have a Colt match HBAR that I shot in a 600 yard match with iron sights for grins and giggles. It has a regular two stage trigger in it.
Well, how did you make out?

When I tell guys that I used to shoot targets at 400 meters with my M-14 w/iron sights they look at me like I"m crazy! Of course that's before my eyes got so "tired". I have a Colt match HBAR also but the best I can do now is 200 yds. Any further then that and I'm wasting my time and ammo. That's what they make scopes for. ;)

Chaingunner you said:
It is my opinion that one should rely upon one's marksmanship capabilities, and NOT on one's rifle's ability to spew ammunition all over the place.
I gotta tell you. I could not disagree with you more. Have you been in combat when the SHTF? I have and I've had the need to "spray & pray" just as fast as I could reload. I'm talking about when the enemy is only a few feet away. There ain't no time for "marksmanship" when the enemy is coming fast and furious. We were just trying to kill as many as we could before they killed us. Thank God for automatic weapons!
Well, I didn't mean at extremely close ranges...I was talking about shooting from a fair distance (100yds or more). Anything closer than that and I'd switch over to full auto (though maybe not on an M14, simply because it sucks up ammo too quickly and the recoil is a bit difficult to fully control)...course, if I'm INSIDE the ship there'd only be close range gun fights anyway, and I'd be packing a 12guage shotgun (battle rifles put holes in bulkheads and for some UNFATHOMABLE reason the Navy doesn't like that..:rolleyes: )
3-round burst was decent for up close & personal killing. We tended to stick to burst fire when in clearing house after house, block after block.
Single shots from an M16 or an M4 would work most of the time, but a single 5.56mm doesn't have a lot of stopping power, especially when everyone is already in motion. Double taps were used but more difficult to keep track of - as in it's easier to count 9-10 bursts than to count individual rounds. The last thing you want is to be 28 rounds into a 30 round magazine when you kick in a door.
One we noticed is that burst fire tended to compensate for shortcomings in aim. There's a lot going on in a really enclosed space and things get a bit hectic. As time goes on technique is going to get a little tired.

There's no occasion to use burst fire any further than 40-50m's just to hard to control the POA/POI at that range.

In any standard CQB situation I'd prefer single shot, depending on the friendly/ non-combatant situation. Extended house clearing where there are only hostiles that you have to worry about...burst is fine.

Others here may have different opinions, that's just my experience.