Three jeers for Gov. Schwarzenegger


New member
Read in American Rifleman that he signed an ammunition registration bill A.B.962. It will require buyers of ammo to provide government ID so that the transaction can be logged for review by police at any time. It also requires buyers to provide a thumbprint.The legislation will eliminate the delivery of ammo purchased online to residents of California. Lt.Rick Ells, a spokesman for the San Bernardino Sheriff's department, told the San Bernardino Sun, "What you are doing is setting up a means of tracking law-abiding citizens' purchase of ammunition.What would be great is a way to track the way criminals purchase their ammo...they're not buying their weapons or their ammo from (licensed dealers),and that's the problem" The report goes on to say "Which is what the federal government decided in 1986". Just wanted to put this out here for those of you who might have missed it.
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The law is supposed to go into effect on Feb. 1st, but Congressman Hagman has a bill (AB 1663) in the works that would repeal it.

All Californians who want it repealed should sign the petition here.
This was part of Federal law from 1968 through 1986. It got eliminated as part of the 1986 FOPA, mostly because it served no useful purpose and had not solved any crimes.

But hey, why let 18 years of a failed national experiment be your guide?
We are all separate states and deserve our sovereignty. Sure I will support my fellow states when they aren't supporting the fed. California is a bully and has to much Federal influence. I want the Fed gone, i want my States' sovereignty and then only then will I support other states. As of now we are to nationalized and federalized to be voluntarily united. we are coerced and under duress to be united; it is no longer voluntary. So i have to reject California in order to support it, if that makes sense?

This is hard to explain, I mean if i felt safe from the fed i then would have the energy to worry about a state matter in California ... that has to take a back seat right now. We need to focus on the Fed.
Thanks for providing the link to the petition DoGo. I signed it a week or two ago, and hopefully others will follow also. We have to fight this...
Thanks for the info, TomServo. That challenge to the law is very clever. Sounds like it might have a pretty decent chance of succeeding.

I want the Fed gone, i want my States' sovereignty and then only then will I support other states.
OK, that's one issue. 10th Amendment and abuse of the commerce clause. I'm with you 100% on that.

The other is this: do states have the authority to infringe on the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights? At what point does a state get to go off the reservation, and at what point does it get to stop treating its people like Americans?

A bill like AB 962 may only be in California now, but if it is even a meager success, other states may decide to follow suit. What if one of those is yours?
Gov. Schwarzenegger "Caved"

DOGODON, Sir thank you for link to the petition, I will not fall into the "Divide and Conquer" ******* match about our Communist State. Like it or not we are in this together and we must not get distracted, as my southern friend is ! Keep your eyes on "THE BIG PICTURE". I am conservative and need your support! This is a frustrating fight in this "Pinko Commie State". Hang with me while my hands have color & are still warm...