Three gun practice for just plain fun.


New member
I thought I'd post the practice drills we've been doing a couple times per month to stay reasonably sharp on tactical shooting, and to just have a little fun. We're currently working up some two and three-man drills too, including simulated clearing of structures. We're just using some basic shoot-and-move stuff and some old US Army POUT tactics. Contructive comments and suggestions welcome, as always.

(If I had a few more guys I'd whip out the Fort Benning Blue Book and have some real fun. :D )

Tactical Firearm Courses
(Carbine, Shotgun, and Pistol)

Zero Course
Carbine, Scoped - 5 rounds with scope at 100 yards; adjust zero to 2” high, 5 rounds to confirm
Carbine, Iron Sights - 5 rounds at 100 yards adjust zero to 1” high, 5 rounds to confirm
Pistol - 5 rounds at 30 yards to confirm sight picture; 5 rounds at 10 yards to confirm sight picture
Shotgun (00 Buckshot) - 5 rounds at 25 yards to confirm sight picture; 5 rounds at 10 yards to confirm sight picture
Shotgun (Slugs) - 3 rounds at 100 yards to confirm sight picture; 3 rounds at 50 yards to confirm sight picture

Modified El Presidente Drill - Carbine
Requires three targets one or two yards apart and two magazines loaded with 7 rounds each - including a spent case randomly inserted into each mag. Starting position is facing away from the target, fifty yards out, at the low ready.

1. Chamber a round while turning, drop to one knee, put two rounds into a 12x12 square in each of the three targets moving left to right.

2. Drop the empty mag and load a new one.

3. Chamber a round, put two rounds into a 12x12 square in each of the three targets moving right to left.

Modified Mozambique Drill - Carbine
Requires three target stands one or two yards apart with a high and low target on each stand and two magazines loaded with ten rounds each - including a spent case randomly inserted into each mag. Starting position is facing away from the target, fifty yards out, at the low ready.

1. Chamber a round while turning, drop to one knee, put two rounds into the lower 12x12 square then one round into the upper 12x12 square in each of the three targets moving left to right.

2. Drop the empty mag and load a new one.

3. Chamber a round, put two rounds into the lower 12x12 square then one round into the upper 12x12 square in each of the three targets moving right to left.

Tactical Fire and Transition Course - Carbine (Iron Sights) and Pistol
Requires a one hundred yard course, one semi-auto pistol and a single mag with seven rounds - including a spent case randomly inserted into the mag, a slung tactical carbine (AR-15, AKM, M1 Carbine, FAL, etc.) with two mags loaded with eight rounds each - including one spent case randomly inserted into each mag, and an observer with a whistle (optional). A single 12 x 12 square target is prepared and posted chest-high.

Starting position is facing target from one hundred yards, with carbine at low ready and with the pistol holstered. Magazines should be inserted in both weapons with a round chambered and all safeties engaged.

1. Begin walking toward the target, at ten paces or roughly ninety yards from target (as alerted by an observer), shooter drops to one knee or takes available cover while taking weapon off safe and puts two rounds into the target, safety is re-engaged.

2. Shooter walks another ten paces (or observer will signal), shooter takes weapon off safe while dropping to one knee or taking cover, shooter fires two rounds into the target, safety is re-engaged.

3. Repeat roughly every ten paces – or as signaled - to within ten yards of the target. As ammo is consumed perform a tactical or speed reload. As stoppages are encountered perform immediate action drills to clear.

4. Once inside of thirty yards, if a stoppage is encountered the shooter immediately slings the carbine, transitions to the pistol, and continues the course without clearing the rifle.

Turn-and-Burn Course - Carbine (Iron Sights)

Requires a one hundred-yard course, two mags loaded with twelve rounds each, and with one spent round randomly inserted in both mags. A single 12 x 12 square target is prepared. An observer with a whistle may used rather than counting the paces away from the target.

Starting position is facing away from the target at ten yards away, with carbine at the low ready position. Magazine should be inserted in the weapon with one round chambered and the safety engaged.

1. Begin walking away from the target and at roughly ten paces, or twenty yards from target (as alerted by the observer), disengage the safety while turning, drop to one knee, put two rounds into a 12 x 12 square, re-engage the safety.

2. Stand and walk another ten paces (or when alerted by the observer), take the weapon off safe while turning, drop to one knee, place two rounds into a 12 x 12 square, re-engage the safety.

3. Repeat every ten yards/paces to the one hundred yard line. As ammo is consumed perform a tactical or speed reload. As stoppages are encountered perform immediate action drills to clear.

Warm-up Drills - Shotgun (Shot)
Requires a twenty yard course, a fully-loaded tactical shotgun, and extra shot shells secured on a reload saddle, bracelet, or sling. A single 12 x 12 square target is prepared chest high.

Starting position is facing the target or facing the indicated direction at the listed yardage and standing at the low ready. The weapon should be fully loaded but not chambered.

1. 20 yards, chamber and fire 2 shots in 2 seconds per shot.
2. 15 yards, chamber and fire 2 shots in 1.5 seconds per shot.
3. 10 yards, chamber and fire 2 shots in 1 second per shot.
4. 10 yards from the high under-arm position, chamber and fire 2 shots in 1 second per shot.
5. 10 yards facing left of target, turn and chamber and fire 1 shot in 1.5 seconds.
6. 10 yards facing right of target, turn and chamber and fire 1 shot in 1.5 seconds.
7. 10 yards facing away from target, turn around and chamber and fire 1 shot in 2 seconds.

Tactical Fire and Transition Course - Shotgun (Shot and Slug) and Pistol
Requires a sixty yard course, a semi-auto pistol and mag with even rounds – including a spent case randomly inserted in the mag, a slung tactical shotgun with three slug loads loaded into the shell tube and three shot shells on a reload saddle, bracelet, or sling, and an observer with a whistle (optional). A single 12 x 12 square target is prepared chest high.

Starting position is facing target at sixty yards, with shotgun at the low ready and the pistol holstered. The loaded pistol magazine should be inserted, a round chambered, and the safety engaged. The shotgun should be left as loaded with nothing chambered and with the safety off.

1. Shooter begins walking toward the target, at ten paces (or when alerted by an observer at the fifty yard line), shooter drops to one knee or takes cover while opening the bolt. Shooter chambers the slug round, and fires into the target. Shooter ejects the case and chambers a new round.

2. Shooter walks another ten paces (or is alerted by an observer at forty yards away), shooter drops to one knee or takes cover. Shooter fires a slug into the target. Shooter ejects the case and chambers a new round.

3. Repeat the shot after another ten paces to within the thirty yard line of the target. As stoppages are encountered perform immediate action drills to clear.

4. Once past the thirty yard line the shooter begins manually loading, chambering, and firing the shot shells one at a time at each interval or alert. If a stoppage or empty tube is encountered within the thirty yard line the shooter immediately transition to the pistol and continue the course without clearing the shotgun.

Turn-and-Burn Course - Shotgun (Shot and Slug)
Requires a fifty yard course, a slung tactical shotgun with four shot shells loaded – including one spent or inert round randomly inserted in the tube, and with three slug loads on a reload saddle, bracelet, or sling. A single 12 x 12 square target is prepared chest high and an observer with a whistle may used rather than counting the paces away from the target.

Starting position is standing in front of the target and facing opposite, with the shotgun held at the low ready position and one round chambered.

1. Begin walking away from the target, at ten paces or ten yards from target (as alerted by an observer), disengage the safety while turning, drop to one knee, put one round of shot into a 12 x 12 square. Eject the spent round and chamber a fresh shot shell from the tube, re-engage the safety.

2. Stand and walk another ten paces (or as alerted by an observer), take the weapon off safe while turning, drop to one knee, place one round of shot into a 12 x 12 square. Eject the spent round and chamber a fresh shot shell from the tube, re-engage the safety.

3. Repeat the shot after another ten paces (or as alerted) at the thirty yard line of the target. Following this shot, perform a speed reload of slugs from the shell holder

4. Stand and walk another ten paces (or as alerted), take the weapon off safe while turning back toward the target, drop to one knee and fire a slug into the target. Eject the spent round and chamber a fresh slug from the tube, re-engage the safety.

5. Repeat every ten paces, or as alerted, out to the fifty yard line. As shells are consumed perform a tactical or speed reload, as necessary, from the shell holder. As stoppages are encountered perform immediate action drills to clear.

Modified El Presidente Drill - Pistol
Requires three targets one or two yards apart and two magazines loaded with 7 rounds each - including a spent case randomly inserted into each mag. Starting position is facing away from the target, fifty yards out, at the low ready.

1. Chamber a round while turning, drop to one knee, put two rounds into a 12x12 square in each of the three targets moving left to right.

2. Drop the empty mag and load a new one.

3. Chamber a round, put two rounds into a 12x12 square in each of the three targets moving right to left.

Modified Mozambique Drill - Pistol
Requires three target stands one or two yards apart with a high and low target on each stand and two magazines loaded with ten rounds each - including a spent case randomly inserted into each mag. Starting position is facing away from the target, fifty yards out, at the low ready.

1. Chamber a round while turning, drop to one knee, put two rounds into the lower 12x12 square then one round into the upper 12x12 square in each of the three targets moving left to right.

2. Drop the empty mag and load a new one.

3. Chamber a round, put two rounds into the lower 12x12 square then one round into the upper 12x12 square in each of the three targets moving right to left.

Turn-and-Burn Course - Pistol

Requires a fifty yard course, a pistol with two mags loaded with twelve rounds each, and with one spent round randomly inserted into both mags. A single 12 x 12 square target is prepared chest high. An observer with a whistle may used rather than counting the paces away from the target.

Starting position is standing in front of the target and facing opposite, with the pistol holstered. A magazine should be inserted in the weapon with one round chambered and the safety engaged.

1. Begin walking away from the target, at roughly five paces (or when alerted by an observer), turn and drop to one knee, put two rounds into a 12 x 12 square, holster weapon and engage the safety.

2. Stand and walk another five yards/paces, draw weapon and disengage the safety while turning and dropping to one knee, place two rounds into a 12 x 12 square, re-engage the safety and holster weapon.

3. Repeat every five yards to the 50 yard line. As ammo is consumed perform a tactical or speed reload. As stoppages are encountered perform immediate action drills to clear.
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I like the drills overall.

However (there's always one, isn't there:D), is it necessary to include a failure drill in every scenario? If you are so uncomfortable with the reliability of your guns or ammo that you must practice malfunction drills in every weapon/mag, in every string, in every drill, I would rethink my ammo or weapon choice.

When you have a failure every time, you start expecting it. The "switching gears" portion of the malfunction drill is lost. A stoppage is no longer an unexpected issue that must be recognized and corrected. You know it is going to happen and expect it, the element of surprise is gone.
Perhaps after doing the drills a few times to become familiar with them, the dummy round can be eliminated in every string and inserted (or not) randomly instead.

Thanks for the feedback. We were trying to come up with something we could run thru in a short amount of time for each weapon that would cover everything we need to drill, if we only got to the range once a week or less. The ideal, of course, would be to practice the drills seperately and then only include one once in a while in the course of fire.

Thanks again.